Chapter Ten

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"Watch out!" Penny looked up just in time to see an apple soaring across the common room towards her head. She caught it deftly in her hand, taking a bite. "Cheers!" She grinned cheekily at the fifth years, who were looking rather put-out. "Oi you little rascal we were using that!" One of the boys declared, striding over to where she was sat and hauling her up onto his shoulder. She giggled and screeched as he tossed her into the air then dumped her back down onto the sofa.

"Good catch though, kid." He said, giving her head a ruffle. "Tryout for the quidditch team next year, yeah?" He wandered off to join his friends again, one of whom was grumbling about needing to go and find a new apple. Ben and Charlie were staring at her with wide eyes. "What?"

"That's Kevin McConnahey, he's the Gryffindor quidditch captain!" Ben said frantically. "And he just gave you a personal invite to tryout for the quidditch team next year! Second years rarely get in." She turned back to her history of magic homework with a smile. "Huh. How about that aye?"
"What position would you try out for?" Charlie asked. "I'm going to try out for seeker."
"Probably chaser." She responded. He seemed to visibly relax. "Don't worry little bro, I won't get in your way." She teased. He bristled.
"Little? You're only thirty -two minutes older than me!" He complained.

Ben and Penny exchanged a glance, both smirking. "But about three years wiser." They teased the redhead in unison, before leaning forward and sharing a high five. Charlie rolled his eyes. "And we're supposed to be the twins!" Penny laughed, tossing a sugar quill in his direction. "Chill out and have a sugar quill."

"Where did you get these from? They're from Honeydukes." Charlie squinted down at the quill. Penny gave him a smirk. "Turns out our big brother is quite happy to stock up my sweet tooth if I give him the money." She responded. Charlie scowled. "That dick! He doesn't for me."
"What can I say, he just loves me more." She laughed at his expression, then laughed harder when he whipped the pillow out from behind his back and flung it in her direction. She caught it before it hit her in the face, knocking it to the floor, laughing hysterically, curling over on the sofa clutching her stomach.

"What have you done to her?" Charlie looked up at Bill who had appeared behind the sofa, smirking down at the group as Penny sobbed into the sofa as she laughed. "Nothing!" He expressed. "She's a nutter! All I wanted was one normal sibling!"

"We're Weasleys, none of us are normal." Bill pointed out. He looked at Penny. "Geez she looks like someone got overzealous on a cheering charm."

Penny finally managed to calm herself, sitting back up and wiping her eyes. She noticed her older brother, stood there looking at her with a questioning glance. "Oh." She hiccupped. "Hi Bill. Want a sugar quill?" She held the box up towards him. He reached out and plucked a peach one out the box. "Ooh that's my favourite too!" She said in delight, enjoying getting to know her brothers and seeing day by day their similarities to her, even growing up separately. He smiled. "I always end up with peach as it's the one flavour none of my other siblings like. Force of habit, I suppose. My favourite is actually apple." She pulled a mock sad face, giving the box a shake.

"There's some apple ones left if you want to take them?" She offered. "I'll have the peach even though your grubby hands are all over it." She teased. He stuck his tongue out, giving her the peach and taking an apple one out of the box.

"Apple is also Ron's favourite, so Bill always sacrifices to his youngest brother." Charlie said. "He's practically a Hufflepuff." Bill pushed his brother off the sofa, the younger boy letting out a squeal. He stood up, crossing his arms. "Now that was just mean." He grumbled. "You don't push Penny like that!"

"We need to ease her into the family gently or she'll go running." Bill joked, then his face went pale as he glanced at the girl to see if he'd offended her. He hadn't. She laughed. "I've already changed my name so it's too late, you're stuck with me." She teased. He visibly slumped in relief. She placed a hand on his arm, noticing. "Relax, Bill. You're not gonna scare me off. Yeah it took me some time, but I'm really excited to get to know you all. And if you and Charlie are anything to go by, I can't wait to meet my younger siblings."

"Ooh you have to come back for Christmas!" Charlie said eagerly, to then be silenced by a slap on the arm from his older brother. "What did I say?"

"We're not to push her, Penny is to make her own decisions." Bill scolded, head turning back to the girl. She rolled her eyes. "I'm not some rare mythical creature, you don't have to tiptoe up to me to gain my trust." She scoffed. "I'd love to come for Christmas. Let me just speak to my parents first, I'm thinking I'll go back home first and get them to bring me over to yours- you said it's called The Burrow?" Bill nodded. Charlie was looking down at the carpet, scuffing his shoe.

"I hate how they aren't mum and dad to you." He murmured. Bill cuffed him around the ear. Penny sighed. "I'm sorry, this is all mad isn't it?" She buried her face in her hands. "My parents raised me, they're still mum and dad to me and I don't think that will ever change. Oh god, what am I going to call your- our parents?" She looked up at Bill, her face stricken.

He sat down next to her on the sofa, holding out his arms. She shifted into them, and he wrapped them around her. "Whatever you want. You don't have to rush into calling them mum and dad, you go at your pace." He told her. "They'll just be happy to see you, alive and well." She relaxed in his arms, unused to having the support of an older sibling with being an only child."Your siblings are so lucky to have you." She said. "I've always been an only child, and you give great hugs. I've missed out."

The boy laughed, she felt the vibrations run through her."Well we've got the rest of our lives to make up for that." Charlie flung himself onto the sofa on her other side. "You've never been in a Weasley pile before." He flopped on top, putting his arms around her and she giggled, sandwiched between her brothers.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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