Chapter One "Summer evening"

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While we were cycling back home, it started to get a little bit chilly

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While we were cycling back home, it started to get a little bit chilly. The temperature was extremely hot that day, so it was quite pleasant to feel the refreshing coolness.Sky was slowly turning into this pretty pinkish color. The delicate wind was blowing Jules hair into all directions while she was unsuccessfully trying to fix it with one hand without falling of the bike. Her delicate blonde wavy hair reminded me of grain growing on the field we were passing by. She glanced at me with her ocean eyes and asked
-Claire! Why are u staring?!-she sounded a little suspiciously, so I had to look away for a while. We were cycling again in the silence,until we saw a little stem,in the distance, then she suddenly stopped her bike.
-We should be home soon- I said.
-I know, but fuck it.
-I really think we should keep going-but she ignored me and started running towards the light wood bridge situated over the river.
-Hey,wtf are u doing?!
She didn't even looked back, just went onto this stupid bridge and layed on the railing.
I knew I should be home soon, but Jules looked just too pretty in this blue dress being moved by the delicate wind. Her laugh was too precious to start an argument about how we promised to be home at 10:00 pm. So I obviously had to step onto this bridge too. The noise it made was a little suspicious and standing on it didn't feel too safe and besides
it's railing looked like it was just about to fall, but I thought "whatever we only life once, right?". I took two more steps and stood next to her.
The view was surprisingly beautiful. The grain field was shining in the light of the pink setting sky. The water under the bridge looked like some fairies put a magic powder on it. Julie pulled out of her bag a  mint instax with little daisies painted all over it.
-Let's take a picture.
It's not really that easy to take a selfie with Instax, especially because the mirror to look on is extremely small and if u move your hand a little bit the whole picture gets blurry, but somehow she managed to press the button in the right time. She took two pics and then put it back into the backpack which she threw on the ground. In the meantime I opened tiktok. I know. Not the most romantic move. But u know how it is. I sometimes get too anxious to say something and then I just make people look at some tiktoks which  makes the silence a little less awkward.
-Look at this, I showed her a tiktok about some travel around the world that with the sound "Renegades" playing in the background.
-Gimme your phone, you're ruining the mood, she said.
-Come on, at least we have a cool soundtrack, I went into the sounds and played this whole song.
-Isn't it wonderful?
-Come one dance with me! Jules started her little dance like  pretending she's on the large stage with a whole crowd admiring her. I couldn't say no, there we were dancing on an extremely not safe little bridge, already late home, spinning in the light of setting sun and feeling the chill of upcoming evening on our skin . She took my hand and we started moving in a circle until we lost the balance and fall on each other. We stared laughing while staring in each other eyes. I really wanted to kiss her in that moment, but I didn't know how to get enough courage , so I just I gave her my hand to help her stand and then we started dancing again. I bended my back like ballerinas do while she was holding my hand tightly to not let me fall. I looked in her eyes and I knew that if I don't step up now, there might not be another perfect  moment again, so I got back from the bend, pulled her head towards me and touched her lips with mine . Omg. How terrifed  I was. This moment could literally ruin our whole friendship, but fortunately she kissed me back. I felt the whole tension coming out of my body. So we were there kissing in the setting sun, chilly wind blowing out our hair, with the grain humming, water flowing and the song "Renegades" gently playing in the background. We didn't even notice how the sky turned gray and it started to rain. I don't know how, according to the weather forecast it was supposed to be a dry day, but somehow they were wrong.
Even though it was raining heavily , it seemed like a crime to stop holding her in that moment, so we stayed even thought we were getting more wet every second.
-Okay we gotta go home now- she said after while. To be honest the only think I wanted to do was to stay with her in that rain forever, but we we didn't wanna go home at night. She grabbed my hand and we run together towards our bikes. We quickly got on then and ride as fast as we could in the pouring rain. We were by her home after an hour and to my house there was still half an hour to go, so I phoned my mum if I could stay over. I couldn't comprehend why, but she said yes. Jules mother was a little confused, but she didn't argue, just gave us some towels and made hot tea. We went into Jules room. I'll try to describe it as fast as I can. Basically it looked like a typical witchcraft teenagers one . It was covered in colorful posters, the artificial ivy was hanging from the walls, the crystal were laying everywhere. Everything was covered in the light of a little salt lamp and pink fairy lights. Jules gave me same dry clothes- grey pants and a pink hoodie, then left me alone to change. When she come back she was wearing grey pants and and a violet sweatshirt with little white heart embroidered on one of the sleeves. Then her mother come in, gave us the tea and some brownies. I was really tired, so I threwed myself on the bed. I thought she was gonna set next to me, but she put the tray with food on her nightstand,  looked at me while  standing still and asked:
-So, what do we do now?
-What do u mean?
-So are we gonna act like nothing happened-she sounded a little lost.
-Um i mean, if that's what you want-I was pretty confused.
-No just-she took a long breath-can we not make it like an official think?
-What do you mean?
-We can be together, but I don't want everybody to know. Can we keep it a secret?-"Does she really want to play a forbidden romance here? I always knew Jules was a little too much into this romanticizing life shit"-I thought.
-Um okay-I said, cause I really didn't know how to find a better answer . After she heard my words, she got into the bed too and covered herself with the bedding and said
-I'm tired, can we go to sleep now?-she asked avoiding my sight. Then this bitch just  laid her head on the cushion and literally fell asleep 5 minutes after, leaving me wondering what the fuck am I doing for another three hours, until I finally forgot about the world and fall into a dream .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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