It's Ok

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Sometimes you need to have
A good cry,
Even if you don't know
The reason why.
For all your life
You've spent to try,
To open up your clipped wings
To fly
And take a leap
Towards the vast sky.
The beautiful flowers
That once bloomed,
Now have the pale colors
Of gloom.
And the clouds that once
Protected from the sun's harsh fumes,
Have now covered you
With doom.
So my dear pals,
Think once, think twice
Of the ones whom you
Wastes time to flatter,
Does their opinion
Even matter?
Think about the world
You've been living in,
It's not always the way it seems.
Grow up, rise and
Don't fear failing,
For in the fate's ship
You've been sailing.
If you've sown
Kindness's seeds,
Karma is like a
That serves you
Your deeds.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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