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(chapter photo by @teddy_tea_bear on insta!)

3rd person
  Luca stands up slowly making sure not to knock over any of the little trinkets on his desk. He heads over to his door as he hears Melly and Emma walking down the hall past his room and towards the staircase. He opens the door carefully, not knowing how close the two young ladies are not wanting to accidentally hit one of them. "Oh, hi Luca! We were just on our way to the lobby to greet the newest survivor! Would you want to walk with us?" The Gardener of the manor, also know as Emma, says in a sweet tone. "If you don't mind, then I'll tag along for the short walk!" He replies softly. "We don't mind, come on now." Says the other also know as the Entomologist, or Melly.
They quietly walk the few steps it takes to get down to the lobby and part ways for the time being to chat with their other friends.
Most of the survivors are down there already waiting to greet the newcomer, even a few of the hunters had come over from their side of the manor to meet them! After all having new survivors come is pretty rare, only a few newbies come every year!
As they all wait for the new survivor to arrive Luca heads over to his friends who are quietly sitting in the corner. "Why hello there, lovebirds~" Luca says as he makes his way to a seat close to the two boys. "Why hello Mr. Balsa" says the Prospecter or better known Norton, in a mocking accent as he looks up laughing a little while the Grave Keeper or Andrew nods his head quietly saying hi while looking slightly flustered. The three aren't the closest of friends but they always end up playing many matches together, and have somewhat bonded over that.
"HII!", says one of the other survivors, the Mechanic, Tracy, as she heads over excitedly. "Hello Tracy! As I can assume, it looks like you're excited for the newbie." Luca says while laughing a little at the girls excitement. "Well obviously! They're gonna be here in less then 20 minutes!" She replies while giggling. "But more importantly I wanted to come get you to take a look at this new gadget I made, before the newbie comes in of course." She had said grabbing on to Luca's wrist excitingly. "And we should probably leave these two to themselves~" She added while quickly winking towards them and running away, along with Luca, before they could react.
Luca and Tracy had went over to where Helena, or the Minds Eye, and a medium sized gadget was.
After about twenty minutes of Tracy showing off her new gadgets, which was still a work in progress, the Female Dancer, or Margaretha aka Marg for short, had yelled out to let everyone know that the newbie was walking up to let everyone get ready. Everyone had backed up a little and tried to spread out as good as they could waiting for the door to open. The Doctor, or Emily, was standing closest to the door and was ready to open and start introducing everyone.

Luca's POV
  A smaller boy with brown hair tired up in a low-ponytail along with a nice red beret had walked into the lobby as Emily opened the door. Woah, he's really pretty.. but he also looks familiar? Maybe I knew him before the accident... I wince in pain from the thought, well never-mind that for now I should pay attention to what's happening up ahead! "Hello and welcome to Oletus Manor! I'm the Doctor, or more formally know as Emily Dryer and these are your fellow survivors, with a few of the hunters of course." Emily says politely while letting the newbie in and facing towards us. "Hello, I'm Edgar Valden the Painter." The newbie says bluntly, well it looks like he's not here to play games (pun intended) I think while softly laughing to myself. "HI HI!! I'm Emma Woods, or the Gardner of the manor it's very nice to meet you!" Emma says in an overly happy tone while skipping over to Emily. The newbie walks in letting the manor door slowly shut behind him as more people walk up to introduce themselves, I walk up as well with Tracy and Helena next to me.

Edgar's POV
These people are loud, I think to myself as they all start introducing themselves. I don't plan to make friends of these people as I've only come here to get inspiration for my art and to get away from my family. I guess I can stand having to interact with these people for simple introductions, gladly I can see the end of this mass of people. I sigh quietly hoping this will end soon so I can get to my art. "Hello! I'm Tracy Reznik, the Mechanic and this is my friend Helena Adams, the Minds Eye! It's nice to meet you, Edgar!" Happily says this messy looking girl who's holding another girl close to her. The messier girl turned around and grabbed the tall boy standing behind her and pushes him towards me while whispering something in his ear and winking before dragging herself and the other girl away. The taller boy turns towards me with a toothy grin and a small blush, i guess you could say he's kinda cute. "Hello! I'm Luca Balsa or the "Prisoner" of the manor!" He said softly while quoting the words prisoner, weird. "I'm not sure of what you know about the manor already but I'll be here to answer any questions!" He said proudly, "And if you didn't know already each survivor shares a room with another and you just happened to be my roommate, but don't worry you have your own side of the room, almost like a college dorm, and I made sure to clean beforehand." He added. Hm, I didn't know we had to share rooms, this will definitely be a pain. I hope this "Prisoner" doesn't get in the way of my art. "Also if you ever want to switch rooms to be with someone else you just have to talk to the manor owner, and that's about all I can think to tell you for now!" He said taking a deep breath after talking, I nodded so he would know that I understood what he was saying.
I must say this "Prisoner" guy isn't that bad, he does seem familiar though. I swear I've met him before. "Now follow me so I can take you to our room! I can also show you around later if you'd like." He says with his toothy grin as he turns around to start walking "Ok." I reply as I follow him towards our apparently shared room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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