Under Skin is No Bone

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“Neiora Ohna. You have been called here in relation to the N.A.E.L.A. process, otherwise known as the New Artificial and Electronisized Limb Application. As you very well know, this practice is forbidden in the Itarna-5 sector of Taenia, and any violation of this will result in the immediate expulsion of the aggressor. It has come to our attention that you might have undergone this process. Is this the case? Please keep in mind that you must speak the truth. We have anonymous witnesses proving one way, so we want to see what you have to say about it yourself.”

“I-I…N-no. I didn’t.”

“Is that your final claim?”


A course of whispers rippled through the crowd as they eagerly watched the trial. It had been a long time since they had last witnessed one, so they had been keenly awaiting this for quite some time now. Not everyone felt the same way, though. Xeyfon Ulteci sat silent, her hand gripping her knee as if it were the last thing keeping her life together. 

If anything, it would end up being the opposite.

“Very well. Let the record note your plea.” The lavender-skinned Taenian looked at the four others sitting on both of her sides. They talked quietly among themselves, then the one on far right gestured to someone beyond everyone’s line of sight. “Now, Neiora, please take a seat in the chair in front of us. We don’t want to, but we will use the restraints if you try to resist us.”

Neiora swallowed hard, but sat in the chair nonetheless. Her antennae twitched slightly as a new Taenian came up behind her with a relatively large blade in his hand.

“Please place your left arm on the table here,” he said.

Neiora’s eyes widened considerably, and she glanced frantically between the blade and the General People’s Committee above her. She clutched her arm close to her chest. “Please,” she whispered. “I already told you I didn’t go through with the N.A.E.L.A. process. Why are you doing this?”

“As I said before, we already have witnesses proving one side of the argument, and unfortunately for you, they are saying that you did go through with it. All we need to do is prove it now. If it turns out that you haven’t, then you are free to go.”

“And if I have?” The spokesman for the General People’s Committee didn’t answer, instead gesturing to the small table in front of Neiora. With a small whimper, she placed her arm on the table.

The whole room was dead silent, the air standing still as everyone watched the Taenian bring the blade to her arm and pierce the skin, cutting a small incision across the middle. There was nothing for a moment. Then, the temperature of the room seemed to drop several degrees as clear gray liquid started pouring out and pooling on the table. It was like a flip was switched in the room, with people gasping, yelling, and even screaming at the sight of it. The General People’s Committee just sat and watched for a few moments, before the spokesman, waving her arms above her, muffled the crowd.

“Neiora Ohna. You have participated in the N.A.E.L.A. process, and have lied to the Committee about doing so. Both of these are high acts of treason, and they will not be tolerated in our society. As a result, your name shall be erased from the archives, and you will be permanently exiled from Taenia. 

“Remove her from the court.”


Xeyfon quickly moved into her small apartment, shutting the door quietly behind her. Her breath ragged, she ran her hands across her face while she leaned up against the door. They were getting close. Too close. It would only be a matter of time before they found her as well. She nervously tapped her fingers against her leg. No. Don’t think like that. That’s what will get you caught.

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