Chapter 1

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The fresh summery breeze was making my hair dance, while the sound of the waves was invading my ears. I liked walking on the beach, alone, before the night makes its appearance. The wet sand under my feet was making me feel good and calm. I was only walking. It sometimes happens that I start thinking, during my walk, about how my life could've been different from how it is now, if one of my little sisters, who were twins, didn't die, murdered, in this freezing november night, three years ago. I remember this day as if it was yesterday...


-Well...I'll see you tomorrow Elizabeth? a mocking and teasing smile appeared on Connor's face, while I was undoing my seatbelt, ready to get out of the car.

-Stop it!! You know I hate it when you call me by my real name!

-Oh may you excuse me princess Liz? he said before putting his soft lips on mine.

Connor was my first boyfriend. Even though he was perfectly respectable, a true gentleman, I prefer not to talk about him to my parents. They would somehow find a way to break us. I mean okay, he's 2 years older than I what? They didn't like the fact that I could have a boyfriend at 14 years old, which is weird, but whatever. So that is why Connor always filed me a block away from my house, so that my parents won't see him. I was walking straight ahead, then turned right, to be right in front of at least 5 police cars, all the neighbours surrounding my house, and my parents, bewailing, trying to say something to some policemen. Beside them was one of my little twin sisters, Zoë, hugging my mom's leg, crying. I'd never seen her that frightened before. I rushed to my mother, paving my way through the crowd. I was feeling the tears coming up my eyes, and, failing to find my other little sister Acacia, I managed to whisper: "Where is Acacia?" For answer, my mom tried to explain to me what happened. Between her babbles and snuffings, I succeed to distinguish some phrases, and then I understood what had happened. Acacia had left us. She passed away. I couldn't believe it...and that's when I saw a little black body bag, with my sister's corpse in it, laid on a stretcher, ready to go on an ambulance, I wasn't able to see clearly anymore. I fainted.

When I opened my eyes, I was laying on my bed, and my mom was sitting on a little chair, in front of me.

-Mom...what really happened to Acacia?

- Honey, I don't think you're in a good shape to listen to..

I interrupt her.

-TELL ME!! I shouted.

-Alright....As you know, your dad and I were out tonight, so we called a new babysitter to look after the twins for the night...well when we weren't here, an armed man broke into the house, shot Acacia, then ran away. Apparently, the babysitter ran away too, and Zoë was beside Acacia, and weirdly but fortunately, he didn't even look at her.. she said shaking and sobbing.

I couldn't believe world was rocked..I had just lost my little sister, my little sunshine.

*End of the Flashback*

Would've my life been that different? When will they find the murderer? Because yes, my sister's killer in still free.

Suddenly, a wonderful view met my eyes and took me out of my thoughts. A teenage boy, about my age I'd say, was riding the waves like a pro... How come I've never seen him before? I could see his wet and brown short hair shine in the sun...and his smile...oh my goodness..

-Liz, are you coming? Diner is served! shouted my dad from the house's porch

I realized that I was speechless.

-Oh um..yea I'm coming!

I take a look behind me a last time, but I couldn't see that mysterious surfer's as if he had disappeared..weird.

-Liz, hurry up, we're waiting for you!

I hasten to go home, to stay with my family, or at least, what's left from it: my little sister Zoë and my was never here..she spent her days and nights in different pubs, since Acacia's murder.

After a diner animated by the television, I go up the stairs of our summer house, and I lock myself in my bedroom.


Author Post:

Heeeey everyone! This is my first story, I hope you'll enjoy it because I have so many ideas and I can't wait to write the next chapter so far! By the way I'm sorry if there are some mistakes, english is not my native language but whatever, don't forget to vote and comment, to let me know what you think about this first chapter! Now that this is said, I hope you're having a good day! <3

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