Chapter 1- live and let live

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Normal day so far in Bristol. 'can't get any worse i supose.' i thought/ it started snowing. "Damn You nature!" i shouted at the sky. its hard enought to stay warm when all you have on are boot cut jeans, a mlp Doctor Whooves short sleeved shirt, american falg boots, and a Rangers Hoodie that wasn't that think. "Ugh. i wish i could find a job already! i can't stand not haveing a place to live or anything to eat." i said to myself. i came across a biulding that had a bench on the side and sat down. i took the blanket i had shoved into my backpack out and wrapped it around me.

i heard a car drive by but it stopped. "Please no!" i muttered to myself.  two men walked up to me and grabbed me. "Hands off me you-you Idiots!" i yelled. "Sorry but you aare ours!" a man said. they dragged me across the lighy snow covered ground. "What are you going to do to me!" i asked. the tossed me into the back of their van. "Torture." one of them said. i saw someone walking out an office biulding not to far away. "HELP!" i screamed. and with that they slammed the doors. 'I hope they heard me.' i thought to myself. 

"You back there! you stay there and we won't hurt you till tomorrow!" a man in the drver seat said. i sat down and took out my ipod, the hats were doing a livestream so i joined the chat, i couldnt say anything  to anyone or they would hurt me. i saw that they were outside and they pointed the camera at a van. "Boys we need to get that girl before the hurt her." trott said turning the camera. i quickly typed in chat. "SAVE ME PLEASE, THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME PLEASE HATS SAVE ME!" i screamed in chat. i read two post after that said 

Skper29- you ain't in the van and why would they save you.

GreyFoxHound10- Lier! you are faking!

BudderDragonYT- It's true, they never took away my phone so i am on it and looking at the hats in the distance NOOO! we turned!. (I said before it happened on the stream.

Steamy900- Shit she ain't lieing!


i read thet chat and saw a person named BudderDragon say that she turned i looked up and saw that they did. "Sorry people of the stream we have to go BYE!" i said turning off the camera. "Lets go boys!" Smith said. we ran to his car and Drove after them. it took about an hour to find were they went. "do we even have weapons?" i asked. "Hell yea we do!" Ross said as he popped open the trunk. we hopped out and grabbed the tools. a Shovel, an iron hatchet, and a bow staff. "Lets hope we aren't too late.


it's been ten minutes and the car stopped. "OI! i said not to!" the man i the driver seat yelled. "Pleas e dont'!" i said backing up. they went out and opende the back doors and grabbed me roughly. "Get you dirty hands off me!" i shouted. "we ain't behaving so we are going today!" a man said. 'shit!' i thought to myself. they dragged me into a biulding and into a dark room with only one light. They strapped me down to a table. "Please dont please." i begged. "Sorry dear but we are." the man said grinning. "Oh." i said worried. the next thing i knew he grabbed a knife and cut me so many times in my arms and legs and ocouple on my face. soon there was banging on the door to the room we were in. "HELP!" i screamed.

"They ain't getting in and-." the man said shoving the knife in my arm. I screamed in pain. "Were are coming Budder!" a voice said. 't-t-they read my comment, th-they know!' i thought, trting my best to overcome the pain. the door burst open with three men standing there. i could tell who they were cause i was losing my vision due to the cuts and the knife in my arm. "You three will not leave her eunscaved!" the man said before i blacked out.


We took everyone out then we spot a room that had a light. "There!" i said pointing. we ran to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. "Blast!" i said. "HELP!" a girl screamed. "They aren't getting in-." the man said trailing off. i heard another scream come from within. "Were are coming Budder!" Trott yelled. "Who?' i asked trott. "She is the one who was in chat saying to save her." trott explained. we got the door to open and i gasped at the sight. she was still awake, poor girl.

"You three will not leave here unscaved!" the man said holding two knifes. i ready my shovel. "Come at us!" Smith said. "Eat shit!" i yelled, charging him. he sliced our arms up but we knocked him about before he did anything bad. "Let get her to a hospital!" Smith said untieing her from the table. "atleast we got here." i said. Smith removed the knife that was jabbed in her arm slowly before picking her up. we ran out and set her in the back seat with Trott. "ugh, wha- where am i?"  the girl said waking up.

"You are safe, you are with us and we are brining you to the hospital." i explained."What NO! i can't go there!" she said panicing. "Why you afraid to go there?" Trott asked. "if anyone finds out that i am under age and with parents then i will be forced to go to an orphanage!" she said still panicing. "WHAT!" Me, Trott, and Smith said. "How old are you?" trott asked. "16. Names Rose-Rose Shrink. parents died due to an car accident but i ran away before any1 could get me cause i rather not be in a orphanage!" she exclaimed.

"well we got to take you somewhere Rose." i said. i am the one driving BTW. "Can't we take her back to our office?" Smith asked. "I don't know if Lewis will approve of it Smith!" i said.  Rose started to giggle. "Whats so funny?" trott asked, smiling. "just- HAHAHA!" Rose brust into laughter. "What?" i said questioning her laughter. "Just- how you put what Lewis would say XD" she said still laughing.

"You are a laugh." Trott said smiling. "Now why were you out in the cold?" i asked. "I was truely looking for a job." Rose said, calming down from laughing. "Maybe you can get a job at yogtowers!" Trott said with excitment. "I highly doubt that Lewis woild let a 16 year old girl that has no home or parents work at yogtowers." i said. we reached yogtowers. i parked and looked back at Rose who was now hanging her head. 'yelp i just made the girl we saved sad. oops.' i thought to myself. "We are here!" Smith said opening the back car door. we exited the car and geaded inside. Smith helped Rose in Since her legs were all dinged up and brused.


when Ross said that my hype for actually joining them died. It felt like my heart died. Trott noticed that i felt upset. He leaned over and Hugged me. i would hug him back but my arms were in to much pain! "We are here!" Smith said opening the door next to me. i lifted my head and tried to move but i was in too much pain. Smith helped me out and into yogtowers. "Thanks lads, now is there a way i could repay you for saving me?" i asked. "No need to repay us!We are just happy that we could help." Trott said smiling at me. Ross seemed very quiet. i think he feels bad for what he said. "You alright Ross?" i asked. "Yea i am fine." he replied.

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