Black Morose

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Captivated by his winsome smile
He attained an eerie charm
He withheld secrets in his eyes
Yet, no one seemed alarmed
He was an unfinished story
A bittersweet song with no meaning
She had a terrible feeling
He haunted her mind day after day
She could have walked up to him
But she was too afraid
Word went around about his masquerade
Soon, she grew too impatient to wait
Hoping to get an invite to his scorched paradise
Her wish is her command
Must have been a miracle
If only she knew just how bad he was cynical
On the day of his party
She displayed a rich dress of silk that she liked to caress
Anticipating that he would descry her appearance
The night let her down
He stayed talking to a girl in a cotton gown
She watched sadly from the sidelines
Her heartbeat picked up when she heard their laughter
She wanted to leave fast
She didn't want to know what would happen after
She felt jealousy when there was no need to be
She made her escape to his garden
Walking anywhere to get lost in
Up until, stumbling upon an impasse
Indignantly, she had to turn back
A mysterious silhouette stopped her from going any further
She fell to the ground and began to cower
The mysterious silhouette towered over her
A rough hand pulled her to her feet
A dulcet voice spoke
She recognized it instantly
It was the uncanny man with a winsome smile
He was wrapped in a red cloak
They spent the rest of the night together
She wished it was forever
As always, she was right
They eventually we'd and decided to head far away from the others
He bought a castle for just the two of them
Where they remained lovers
Years down the road, he started to get jaded
It wouldn't be long before their love would become faded
He felt like he was in his garden when he was with her
Trapped inside a maze
No matter where he ran
Every turn was the wrong way
She became obsessed
Their relationship needed to be suppressed
The attraction between them used to be strong
Now it's just a mess
Loving her was a hassle
When he left for a trip
She burned down the castle
He never suspected a thing
Until tomorrow came
There was nothing left
Just ashes and her dress
She stood near the edge, high on the cliff
Her face was no longer beautiful
It now looked grotesque
He ran into the forest
There wasn't anywhere to go
Hidden behind a tree, time seemed too slow
He was mortified at what she really was
All because he lost a little love
But it was never there
He's always been ghostly
However, no one was aware
She should have ran when she had the chance
Now she's too late
The only thing left is fate
He chose to fight back with all the strength he had
Leaves crunched all around
He couldn't contain his heavy breathing
The only two sounds
He wished he was dreaming
Suddenly, the footsteps stopped behind his tree
Paranoia set in
He held his breath and shifted his eyes over to see
There she stood, ugly as ever
Skin bare outside in the cold weather
Frozen in shock, there was one thing that had to be done
He felt himself lifting up then fall into a tree trunk
The hit on his head left him bewildered
He presumed there was no way to beat her
He needed to find her weakness
And he needed to find it fast
She was approaching
And his head hurt really bad
Forcing himself off the ground
He made a run for it
He swerved along the forest until he reached a clearing
Out in the open was his answer
Behind him, she was still gaining
With a quick deep breath, he turned around and caught her
She was taken aback as he dragged her to the water
She went in with a gasp
The icy liquid engulfed her
He still stood from where she was cast
Lightning flickered in the night sky
One strike means she might die
In the distance, she hears thunder
The waves are rough
They're pulling her under
She gets on last look before she goes
His face looked sinister
The truth started to unfold
Along with all the secrets that his eyes would always withhold
Discovering the bodies in the walls, she didn't think he knew
She packed her stuff, got out, burned the castle to the ground
Though the dress she wore to the masquerade was no where to be found
She didn't want to pin the bodies on him
She didn't want to believe it was him
She knew him for years
He always seemed innocent
Nevertheless, when she was with him
She stayed vigilant
He had this way about himself
He saw different things
She thought that it made him special
But only in her dreams
Upon arrival to the castle
He knew she would find out
He hid the bodies in the walls
Despite him looking stout
When he looked at her
He saw something else
She didn't look familiar
Nothing rang a bell
There was melancholy in her eyes
He mistook it as her lies
He's been through it his whole life
He knows what to do
He needed to lure her
Into the frigid water
He ran into the forest as an attempt for her to follow
The only area he knew that was hollow
She found him behind the tree
He briskly stood up and bashed his head on a tree
He took off hastily
She went in pursuit
He whirled around and snatched her
That's not what she wanted to intend
He dragged her down to the ocean where she couldn't swim
Water filled her lungs
Her vision was hardly there
She got to see for a while
Before going under
She caught a glimpse of that winsome smile

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