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Copyright © Shannon Maharaj

All rights reserved.

The right of Shannon Maharaj to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988.

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All characters in this publication are fictional and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

Reid was not known for losing his cool very often, to be fair, he was regarded as the calmest person in the entire of The Odin's Riders MC. However, the sight that was presenting itself in front of him at this very moment had him teetering on the edge of insanity.

One (1) of the new club horor was currently hitting on his boyfriend and it was setting off every possessive bone inside of his body. It was not like their relationship status had been kept a secret from anyone in the club, new or old.

To him, this asshole was doing it on purpose and trying to disrespect his bond with the Hispanic male. The thought alone had his pale hands clenching down so hard that he was sure that his palms were going to start dripping blood soon.

He wasn't going to intervene because he knew how his lover could get when he did and he would scold him for treating him like a child, which he knew he was guilty of doing. But when their eyes met and he saw the panic in those chocolate orbs, he moved.

The noirette moved so fast that if you had blinked you would have missed him. He was no longer leaning by the doorway of the kitchen but now was near the sink where his boyfriend stood with the horor, who was leering at him.

Now that he was standing behind the guy, he could see the glassy look in those chocolate orbs as he tried not to shed a tear. That had the Swedish man's blood boiling, no one and he meant no one was to ever make his love cry.

Reece had gone through enough hell to last them both a lifetime and he was going to everything to protect him from anymore. Even if that meant getting his hands bloody and bruised, he did not give a fuck.

Reaching down, he tapped the bleach blonde idiot and watched as he turned around to look at him. He watched as rust-coloured eyes narrowed at him and his thin lips curled up into a sneer as he asked him, "The fuck do you want?"

"What do I want? I want you to leave my boyfriend the fuck alone. Everyone is this castle knows that he is mine, even if I'm not a patched member. Reece Diaz belongs to me. Now move it."

"I don't see your fucking name on him, so last I checked he was free game."

Now that was the wrong thing to say to him and everyone who had overheard the commotion knew it. The room fell silent that if a pin dropped, it would ring throughout the area like a gunshot.

Reid's facial expression did not give away how livid he was feeling on the inside, the only tell that showed how he really felt was the slight twitch of his left arm. Before anyone could stop him, he grabbed the smaller man by the throat and slammed him onto the floor.

Hazel eyes glared into the brown ones as he leaned forward to whisper into his ear.

"You try to harass my baby again and I will make what Astrid does to our prisoners look like child's play."

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