Meeting Elizabeth

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Lashias pov

"Here's your booth sir, enjoy the drink". I said

"Thanks cutie". He said and winked at me. I just rolled my, like what the hell?! Im gorgeous! DUHH.

"For a little girl like you, you're such a hard worker!" I turned to him and smiled.

"I aint no worker here, besides me and the blonde boy are the owners". He and eyebrow "You two are the owner of this bar? But your still kids" He shouted. "Eyes can be deceived sometimes ya know". I replied.

"The famous pie of The Boar Hat. Enjoy the food!" I put down the food on their table. The men looked at it hungry and ate it. After a while, they spit the food out and looked at me. The biggest of them grabbed me by the collar and slammed me on the wall. "Are you playing tricks on us kid?!" He angrily said.

I smirked. "Oh dear, Hawks clean this up will ya!" Hawks came out of the counter with Mileodas, probably checking what was wrong. Hawk squealed at what he saw. Mileodas quickly ran to us and held the man on the shoulders. "Let her go, we don't want any trouble going around here, do we." He said, smirking.

He put me down and angrily went back to his table and drank. "Thanks big brother!" I smiled at him.

"Um,... Hawks" I looked at a hawk which was a pig. "What?" the pig said annoyed. "Hawks, you have a task to do" I told him and he walked off doing his work.

Suddenly a man barged in the bar "I-Its real!" soon after the room was filled with silence. I looked at the boy confused. "The wandering rust knight,.... It's real" the boy said and went to a table.

Me and my brother were hearing the conversation. Until we heard clanging sounds coming our way. It smelled like rust. Then suddenly the door opened and there was the wandering rust knight. "IT'S HIM". In a flash everybody was gone.

Mileodas got off the counter and walked to the knight. "Who are you?" he asked, but the knight was mumbling something that I didn't catch then it fell. The helmet got off the head and it showed a girl with long green/silver hair. Me and my brother brought her to a room.

When me and Mileodas were done taking her upstairs and taking off her amar meliodas started doing pervy things to her, like checking her body and even touching her boobs. "Um, big brother-" he turned his attention on me while Hawks was trying to get him off of her. " do you really have to touch her boob to feel her heart rate." " Well I do have to feel her heart rate to see that she's still alive." I sighed then I saw her waking up while my brother was grabbing her boob. She looked confused as to where she was and asked "Ummmm what happened and where am I".

"You went to our bar and passed out" Hawks said, she looked at him shocked and ran up to him and hugged him "I always wanted a talking pig" "did you get one" I asked her. ".....No". " You must be hungry, I'll make you food." My brother said and we all walked down stairs. "Here" "thanks this looks so good" she said. "Hehe good luck with that!" I said loud enough for everybody to hear besides her. My brother looked at me with a sad face. Then I heard crying. 'wait she's crying, oh god' "Look what you did brother, you made her cry, this is your fault" "No its fine its good." Then I heard a knock on the door.

Later after the fight, she found out that Elizabeth is the princess and that she wants to find the deadly sins.

"You guys are alright" I said happily seeing Elizabeth and Big brother alright. Elizabeth ran up to me and held my hands. "This is going to be a fun adventure traveling with you and Mileodas to find the Seven Deadly Sins!" I smiled at the sound of me, brother, hawks traveling with a princess finding the deadly sins and being like the old days. I was so happy that I smiled with tears forming at the edges of my eyes. "¡Yea!" We walked to the tavern and started our journey. I knew that things will go well, but little that I know that bad things were going to happen that the secrets me and my brother hid from our friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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