What would you do if I died that night?

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If only I could get back to my apartment, my worst enemy in bludhaven hurt me badly. With every step it hurt, I felt myself slow down as I was jumping roof to roof trying to get back to my home. Maybe I should call Bruce I thought, but that thought only reminded me of what happened!

"Bruce, what the hell?" I said.

"I did what I had to," Bruce replied!

"You didn't need to do that," I yelled.

"If you don't like it then leave, don't ever contact me ever again," Bruce shouted. I stormed out of the batcave grabbed my helmet and went back to bludhaven. I should of never visited.

~Back to present~
No I can't contact him! When I made it to the roof across from my apartment building my legs gave out, I fell. I didn't even bother getting back up, I just laid there! Screw It I'm contacting Bruce I thought hoping he would help me, I don't want to die with him being mad at me, he would never forgive himself! Throbbing pain shot threw my body as I tried to lift my arm up and use my hologlove, the first three times my arm fell back down but this time I was able to tape the communicator.

"Ni-...Nightwing...to...*starts coughing*...bat-...batcave," my arm fell back down. I waited a minute but no answer. Guess Bruce doesn't care.

"Nightwing?" A voice said but is wasn't Bruce. I tried pulling my arm up to answer but it hurt. I tried again this time I was able to press the communicator.

"Jason?" I said, before coughing.

"Nightwing what's wrong?" Jason asked.

"I'm...Hu-*Starts coughing*...rt," I said.

"I'm contacting Bruce Dick Hold on," he said. I waited a minute when Jason started talking again.

"Dick I need to know where you are," Jason said. As much as I tried I kept coughing and couldn't reply.

"DICK!" Jason said.

"I'm...I'm here, across...from...*coughing*...my apartment building," I said.

"DICK?" Jason said, but I had no strength to answer I just listened to Jason screaming my name. Is this the end? I hope not! Bruce better get here quick, I don't know how much longer I can last.

[Bruce's POV]
I was on my way back to the batcave when Jason contacted me.

"Robin to Batman, It's an emergency, come in Batman," Jason said.

"Batman here, What's wrong?" I asked.

"You need to get to bludhaven immediately, Nightwing is badly injured, I don't know how long he has," He said. I immediately pressed on the breaks of the bat mobile!

"WHAT!" I shouted.

"Bruce he isn't responding I am currently on the line with both of you, he went silent, I don't know if he's..." he said, but stopped before finishing!

"Where?" I asked.

"He said he was near his apartment building," He said.

"I'm on my way, if he answers you let me know, Batman out," I said. I wave of regret suddenly washed over me, I shouldn't of said what I did that day. Maybe if I didn't say that then this wouldn't be happening!

[Nightwing's POV]
"Dick?" Jason continued to say! I lifted my arm but that just shot a wave of pain threw my body! Bruce has to be on his way! I started to cough more this time coughing up blood, I turned on my side to avoid inhaling my own vomit. (that's what happens right? I have no clue) My eyes slowly started to close, it's getting really hard to keep them open, and this pain is unbearable!

"Sorry Bruce," I said, as if Bruce could hear me. That's when everything went black.

[Batman's POV]
I was standing over Nightwing's body as I checked for a pulse, there is no pulse. That's when I started CPR!

"Dick wake up," I yelled.

"You were so close you could of made it home," I yelled my voice raspy!

"Why didn't you call me sooner?" I shouted, with that I hit is chest as hard as I could. Dick coughed and started to breathe again! I need to get him back to the batcave as soon as possible.

"Batman to Batcave, prep the med bay for Nightwing," I said.

"Ok Sir," Alfred said. It took me faster then I thought to get back I must of really been pushing the sped on the bat-copter! (It's called bat-copter right?) Alfred got Dick stabilized, now all we have to do is wait. However long that will take! I sat at my bat-computer looking for who injured Nightwing when I heard Dick start to wake up!

"Easy there Dick," I said running over to him. Dick just stared at me obviously confused on what happened, he probably thought he was a goner!

~Time Skip 1 week~
[Dicks POV]
Bruce won't let me go back to bludhaven yet, so I've been stuck at Wayne Manor. I have been meaning to talk to Bruce but he seems to be avoiding me, but today I will catch him off guard and we will talk. That's currently what I'm doing, Bruce is in his study so if I go in he'll have to talk. I walked through the door.

"Bruce?" I said. Bruce turned around.

"I'm sorry?" We both said at the same time.

"Bruce? What would you do if I died that night?" I asked. I had to know.

"Honestly...I have no clue, probably track down who hurt you and almost beat him to death...heck I might of even cross the line and kill him," Bruce said. I suddenly felt safe, I know Bruce will always make it his mission to help me! I was about to say something when Bruce engulfed me in a hug! We sat like this and didn't move, not sure if this hug will stop anytime soon!
Honestly, at first I was going to kill of Nightwing but then I started crying writing it and changed my mind! So thank my tears! Have a great Day/Night!

What would you do if I died that night?- Nigtwing Fanfic!Where stories live. Discover now