x~Sweet cocain~x

3 0 1

o You'll need~:

     -1 cs of honey~

     -1 ss of Nutella~

     -1 smole cs of chocolate powder~

     -2 ss of Lyon cereals~

     -1 mug of hot milk~

                   o1- Put some sweet honey on a glasse mug~

                   o2- Put on it the Nutella in a peachy form~   

                   o3- Put gentely the chocolate powder~       

                   o4- Put some fresh milk and put it in the microwave   

                           for 1 minute and a half~

                   o6- Put the wild cereals n mix them gentely

#~♥There ya goo! You're sweet cocain is now ready! Bon appetit!♥~#

cs: coffe spoon

ss: soup spoon

Recipe creat by me on a sick day~

x_~Sweet cocain recipe~_xWhere stories live. Discover now