Short story

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The lake was calm and soft, the only look that came from it was the reflection of the mountains looming over the watersedge as if it was trying to claim it hostage, penetrating the clouds overhead like a king ruling his kingdom. Wind thrusted at the water causing it to ripple and distort the mountains reflection taking away all its pain for just over two seconds, it was still once more.

A step was placed upon the board walk, a boy stood on the side watching the scene pass by, the lake, mountains, wind. He took another step foward placing both feet firmlyon the bleached wooden planks, eyes locked on the lakes edge. He turned his head slowly to check behind him, alone, nothing around him but woodlands and water. Eyes locked on the water.

All at once the wind dropped leaving behind dark night like clouds.

The only sound to be heard was the short exhale from the boy standing by the waters edge. The boy looked at his surroundings again as if parinoid thay he would be caught, alone, nothing around him but woodlands and water. Slowly but surley once he knew he was alone he sank down onto the wooden planks.

Without warning a sensation came to the boys head, some sort of banging as if someone was punching him fifty times over. Small time passed and it came clear as screaming, crying, someone hurting inside the boys mind. Little to do the boy also screamed like the sound curling in his head.

Within seconds the boy opened his eyes wondering what he was doing on the pier side, eyes on the water which was now are dark as coals on fire. Mind Clicked. He was now going to complete what his alter could not, standing with a dangerous stance he turned on his heel and ran along the planks of wooden boards with only one thing on his mind, to kill and bring them down to the waters edge....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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