I'm not ok

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I think and I know that I'm not ok. But I know too that the society where we are living is not a good society. She's destroy us, our heart and our true life. She's just want our money, more money than we can give to her. The perfect texts that we hear went to the pooliticians, are faulse. They don't know how we have to live, to love and to die. They just want transform our life in chaos, they want transform us in robots. They want eat our brain and what we have in it, our inteligence, our thoughts and our word. I want to say what I want to say, I don't want to become her thing. I want to become what I want, a strong personn with a unique personnality. I don't want to be oppressed by she, I want to became free. Free like a little child in a good and natural country when he play in the green grass and in the trees. Free like my heart when I'm with him, my soul sister. So I write this text to tell you that I'm not ok and I know that I'm not the only person in this case. Thank you for listening and have a good life.

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