Chapter 1: Meaning

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"You're going to do great things in this world Takeshi...your father and I believe it with all our hearts." That was the last thing Takeshi had heard from his mother. 4 years old and watching his parents die slowly was scarring for Takeshi. He didn't know what to do after that. His aunt, Akiko, had taken him into custody as a legal guardian. "Takeshi, do you know what it is when something means a lot to you?" She asked him one day, sitting at the paino, her hands frail and dry, struggling to hit the keys. "It means that you'd be willing do anything for that one thing in order to keep it safe".

He opened his tear filled eyes and sat up "Another one, huh." He rubbed his eyes and sat on the edge of his bed. "These dreams always wake me up with tears, is it because I haven't moved on?" He thought to himself. Takeshi looked at his clock. 11:45 AM it read. "I guess I slept in today." He said to himself. Takeshi stood up and walked to his kitchen, beginning to make himself some breakfast. He sat down at his kitchen table and began to eat the omelette he had prepared. He looked up at a picture on the wall, it was a picture of him as a baby in his mother's arms with his father's hand on her shoulder. Takeshi stared at the picture for a minute then stood up, having finished his food he put the plate in the sink to wash later. He plopped down on his couch and stared at the ceiling "Am I still really not over it...its been 11 years. Well a parents death isn't technically the easiest thing to get over" he thought to himself. He sighed and closed eyes, wanting to put his mind at ease, relaxing, not worrying about anything.

"TAKESHI!!" A girls voice yelled out as his front door was slammed open. Takeshi was shocked and fell off the couch. She came running into the living room. "Takeshi! Stand up, this is no time to lie down and relax!" She said. Takeshi looked up at her and sighed. Saya Yakuta, his best friend ever since they were little kids, always known for being outgoing and loud. She's captain of the girls baseball team at his highschool. "I scheduled a hangout for Kenzan, me, you, and a good friend of mine, so you're gonna be there!" Takeshi stood up and rubbed the back of his head "Ow...wait, I never said I would come with!" He said to her

"Yeah but if it's only me, her, and Kenzan then it'd be kinda weird, its more of a two on two kind of thing." She said, "So you're coming whether you like it or not!" She sternly said to him.

Takeshi sighed "I don't see why you can't take any other guy..."

"She's a musician, just like you"

Takeshi's eyes widened but immediately went back to the emotionless state which has become his version of a "normal" face. "I figured since you play piano, you might be able to get to know her a bit better" Saya said to him.

"I don't do that anymore. I haven't touched a piano key since that day." He said.

That day. That day, was the day that Takeshi had lost all hope for the piano. He had come home with Akiko after the summer festival. There was a man there robbing them. He immediately noticed them and pulled out a gun on them. "Get on the ground now!" He yelled to them. Takeshi couldn't move. Fear had taken control of his body and he couldn't move. Akiko had slowly closed up on the man, "Listen, you don't have to do anything...just put the gun down" The man shook his head furiously and fired a shot. Takeshi turned around, the bullet grazing his back and falling over on the ground. "TAKESHI!!" Akiko screamed. The man stood there, shocked. He dropped his gun. Akiko took the opportunity and tried to pick up the gun quickly but the man was a lot faster and had stomped on her arm as she reached for the gun, breaking her wrist instantly. She screamed in pain, lying there on the ground. The man had no words and backed up. Takeshi slowly stood up and looked over at the man, his eyes filled with tears from the pain. He quickly ran over to Akiko. "Akiko! Are you alright!" The man backed up into the kitchen table, which had a knife on it. He grabbed it and started heading over to Takeshi. "No witnesses..." He kept repeating, picking up the pace as he got closer. Takeshi sat there, motionless with fear, unable to do anything. The man had quickly ran and threw his arm forward. Takeshi closed his eyes, anticipating the stab. Nothing happened. A dripping sound could be heard through his ears. "Takeshi..." He heard. Takeshi slowly opened his eyes and looked up to see Akiko with the knife going right through her. "Be a good boy...its time for me to leave..." She said as her arms fell, with no sign of life in them. Her body fell on the ground at his feet. He couldn't believe what just happened. Standing there, like a coward, not doing anything to help. The man didn't hesitate and started for Takeshi. Takeshi was scared and noticed the gun behind him, he picked it up, aimed at the man and pulled the trigger. His ears began ringing after the shot. He slowly opened his eyes to see the man with a bullet straight through his skull. Takeshi fell back, tearing up. "No...I...I didn't mean to..." He stuttered. He looks down at his hands to see them still holding the gun. He drops it and cries into his knees until the police arrived. After that day he lost all feeling in his hands. He couldn't use them to do anything simple. He had to undgero therapy for his hands, and his mind. Upon recovery of his hands, he tries to play piano but he couldn't. His hands would stop and not move. Some of the times he would hit a key but he couldn't hear it. To this day, he hasn't played piano in 7 years due to his conditions. Saya looks at him "I know...I was the one who called the police that day...but please, just do this for me."

Takeshi stared at her for a moment then sighed. "Fine. But only this one time."

A bright smile lit Saya's face. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said.

A silent vibrating was heard coming from Saya's pocket. She reaching in, grabbing her phone and reading a text from her friend. "Oh sorry! I have to go! Remember, tomorrow, 3:30 PM, meet us at the park!" She said as she left his house.

Takeshi nodded and closed the door as she left. He stared down at his hands for a while. The pale, frail things couldn't let go of the door knob. Takeshi walked back into his living room and sat down. Looking to his right he saw a room with the door opened a little, enough to see tons of books and dust on top of a grand piano. He stood up and closed the door with force. "I won't be able to go back." He said to himself.

Takeshi thought to himself " did Saya get into my house without a key?".

End of Chapter 1: Meaning

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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