1: Adrenaline

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My legs moved back and forth, back and forth again and again. I could not stop, whatever I did, I had to keep moving. As I plowed ahead through the dense forest of Winterwood, the northern fief, the branches cutting my olive skin, I could hear the pounding of my heartbeat in my head, the heavy breaths I was taking not only from exhaustion but from the fear of being caught. I frantically turn my head while stumbling about, "oh shit!" There in the distance, I see a human silhouette in the gray of the guard's uniform.

I know the forest well enough to know they shouldn't be this close. A gnarled root caught my foot, and as I flew forward and landed, my head hit something hard, then as my body fell in the grass, I lay there for what felt like minutes but I know it was only a couple of seconds. Then I felt a gloved hand turn my body and suddenly I was facing the sky. My vision was blinded by the bright, unexpected light paired with the fact that my head was spinning. The unknown figure spoke in a deep, rattling voice, "Sir, over here. I found her. The girl."

My vision was fading. I knew this, but I had to fight it, for some stupid reason I had to for a little longer. Struggling to keep my eyes open, I barely heard a voice say, as exhaustion overtook me;

"Put this one on the hovercraft, then deal with the rest of them" All I remember is waking up at times on a hospital bed, screaming, thrashing, yelling for someone who could help. The only response I ever got to my great efforts was a sedative. I hated the way it makes me helpless, unable to do anything but lie there with no consciousness whatsoever.

After what felt like a millennium of nodding in and out of consciousness, I awoke to an unexpected stillness. The medical professionals never came to drug me. There were some in the room but they just took one look at me, saw I was awake then rushed out. Collecting myself I looked around and noticed two things. First, I felt stronger, I had expected to come out of this feeling drained of energy, but I felt better, more energized, stronger. Second, due to the silver shiny machines that I didn't recognize lay around. This was obviously the Metropolis, nowhere else could afford these types of appliances and keep them in such good condition. Then I noticed the (chains, ropes, metal bonds) that had kept me on the lab table were gone. Deciding I would no longer be restrained, no longer be helpless, I got up. Slowly. Or at least I tried to get up, but the minute I put weight on my legs, I collapsed.

"I wouldn't try that just yet. You're not strong enough, you won't be for about two days." Feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment, my head whips around toward the door. A tall man with an air of superiority and menace stands in the doorway. He had a black suit on and held a black cane, he stands next to the medical professional I saw leave earlier. In 6 long strides, he walks over to me and kneels, and helps me sit back down on the bed. His piercing blue eyes looking deep into my green ones, he asks me. "Are you alright? You took quite a tumble there"

I nod. Then the strange man chuckles and responds,

"Are you mute?"

"I choose to be quiet, It lets me observe more."

Contemplating the words that came out of my mouth, he nods his head and smiles.

"Those are quite some wise words coming from such a young soul."

I feel myself smile at those kind words as he says, "I don't believe I've introduced myself. I am Caligo Snow. " My eyes widen as he says that name. That name is known all across the country, in all the fiefs. He is the descendent of the infamous Asher Snow, but unlike his ancestor, he is not a tyrant or so I hear. You never know what's true. Sure the Arena Fights still happened. But they happen less frequently. It's mostly criminals who die and they have a fighting chance. It's only once a year when all of the fiefs pick 4 kids to compete in the arena. Out of all 6 fiefs plus the metropolis, it's quite a big spectacle. Caligo is intimidating. My guardians made him sound like a monster, but I think they are wrong. He seems pleasant, scary, but pleasant.

"And you must be Kaiden, " I nod wondering how he knows that. Idiot! Of course he knows that, he's the president. Caligo continues speaking, "I understand you have had an... adventurous upbringing?"

I cut him off before he can finish, "It's not my fault" I spit with venom. "My parents didn't feed me, they locked me in the closet during the day. They even whipped me, and gave me tracker jacker venom!" He just nods and gestures to me to continue. I explain, "My parents tortured me, told me I was nothing, left me to help them, and received only punishment in return. Their policy was 'that I was family and family helps each other.' Well, that's just stupid. I did everything they asked and they gave me nothing but pain. They whipped me just because I was 5 minutes late or because I was at the table with them eating their food. Once they punished me for staring at them too long. They gave me venom just to watch me wither in pain" My face flushed with embarrassment and shock, I just told Caligo Snow my life story and I barely know him.

"That explains the scars on your back," he remarks. I squirm, remembering what I have as a memory. He continues, "Look, I know they did unbelievable things to you, but how would you like to get back at them?"

My face lights up at this suggestion. I know it shouldn't, but getting revenge on those who tore me up and broke me, sounded like the best thing in the world. "How?" I ask.

Mr. Snow just smiles slyly and says "We'll talk about that later. Right now you need to get your strength back. We have a couple of medications to help, you'll be good as new in a few days."

He helps me get off of the bed and out of the room. At the doorway, there is a stern-looking man with dark chocolate skin, black hair, and light grey eyes.

"This Is your new companion, Jay Robin. He will be with you at all times, to protect you and later to train you. I would advise you to be friendly to him.

He turned to leave before I noticed something was off. "Wait, I had a necklace with a carved wooden ring, where is it?"

Caligo lifts his slim hand into his pocket and pulls out my ring, but it is no longer on a chain, it's on a black leather cord. I snatched it from his hand and frantically put it around my neck. I mutter my thanks as he leaves through the hallway. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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