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Y/n POV:
Hearing Wanda scream annoys me.
"Wake up Y/n,we have a lot of stuff to do today!" Ugh,I finally get up to get dressed,
What do I wear?

"Wake up Y/n,we have a lot of stuff to do today!" Ugh,I finally get up to get dressed,What do I wear?

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(You put on this)

I brush my ginger silky hair as I look in the mirror in my bedroom wondering how'd I even get to this point,I mean becoming an Avenger so many things wrong about this option
I had to choose between joining Thanos or joint the Avengers,truly I'd never betray my family I love Wanda and Pietro as much I did my parents and I'll never forget who killed them.
Ugh...I love them but sometimes they could be quite annoying.
I walk down the hard wooden stairs
Continuously hearing Wanda scream from the downstairs of our power made home,or at the least only me and Wanda know that
"Okay okay I'm here god!"
I swear one minute I love them the other o hate them
"Where's Pietro?"
I simply ask
"Not sure hasn't came home since last night,anyways no time for breakfast get on the car now."
Goodness,I walk down the drive way into our red Buick Verano,I simply put on my seatbelt and wait for Wanda to get it,she finally gets in and starts the car she simply asks
"Are you excited"
I mean at the least not really but I have to put on a strong face
"Yeah of course I am super excited!"
No,I'm really not
I never thought it would come to this day I'd become a avenger ironic isn't it?
"Well we're here you ready Y/n?"
Wanda says while putting the car in park..
I never wanted to do this but I guess this is happening then..
I say while nervously inhaling.
Wanda opens the door to the Avenger Tower
"Well this is it,Guys we're here!"
She yells from the downstairs of the ginormous tower from the bottom to the top.

Tony POV:

Sitting upstairs holding on to my Suit I hear Wanda yell from the down part of the tower,"Guys we're here!"
We're?,she never reminded me she would be having guests.I walk towards the elevator and press the bottom floor button,walking out of the elevator there stands a short girl ginger shiny skin long hair?who's she

"Wanda who's the girl?"

I ask like any other normal human being would ask

"She's my sister,Y/n!"

Sister?never knew she had one
"Oh well,Hi Y/n I'm Tony S-"

"Stark.Tony Stark"
Y/n Chuckles

She knew my name..Wanda must've spoken a lot about me if so.

Y/n POV:

Pietro runs down the stairs I forgot about his powers.


He comes running into a hug

"P-Pietro your squeezing me"

"Oh sorry"
He walks away out of the hug

While the other Avengers come out of the elevator..

Afterwards they introduced and showed me around but that was until one certain person caught my eye..

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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