18. Pecking

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Nobodies POV

Harry steps into the owlry, the floor covered in straw and hundreds of owls hooting softly on many roosts.

"Hedwig!" Hedwig calls out

Hedwig flutters down to him. He gives the parchment to the owl. She flies out of the open window and soars away, out of sight over the Forbidden Forest.

Harry watches the forest. A huge animal which appeared to be a winged reptilian horse. Harry frowns.

Behind him, the door creaks open. He turns to see Cho entering.

"Hi." Harry says "Oh...hi. Didn't think anyone else would be up here." Cho says

She moves to a brown school owl.

There is an awkward silence. "Have you found a new Keeper for Quiddich?" Cho ask "Yeah, my friend Ron Weasley." Harry says

She ties the package to the owl. "He any good?" Cho ask "Well, he made the team. I missed the tryouts." Harry says

She lets go of the owl and it flies out the window. "Yeah, Umbridge. You were really brave, standing up to her." Cho says

Harry straightens, smiling. "Yeah...well, it was the truth." Harry says

The owlry door bursts open again. Filch charges in.

"Right, Potter. I'll have what you're sending." Filch says

"What?" Harry ssk

"I have had a tip-off that you are ordering a large quantity of Dungbombs! Now hand it over." Filch says "You're too late, it's gone." Harry says

Filch looks furious. "Yeah, I saw him send it." Cho says

Filch regards her for a moment, then turns back to Harry. "I get a single whiff of a Dungbomb in this castle, Potter...and you're mine." Filch says

He turns and departs.

There is a silence for a moment as Harry and Cho process what had happened.

"Um, you weren't ordering dungbombs, were you?" Cho ask "No." Harry says "I wonder why he'd think you were. Well, see you, Harry." Cho says

She turns and leaves the Owlry. Harry smiles.


"What a load of rubbish!" Hermione yells

Hermione, Harry, and Ron are making their way back up to the castle. Ron and Harry are in Quiddich robes and caked in mud. Ron is looking upset.

"You, ordering dungbombs. I mean, really." Hermione says "Yeah, it doesn't make any sense." Harry says

"Unless whoever tipped Filch off was interested in reading your mail, Harry. I mean, doesn't it seem a little too coincidental that Filch was tipped off when you happened to be sending a message to Sirius?" Hermione ask

Harry looks thoughtful. "Yeah, that does seem weird. You figure its Umbridge?" Harry ask "I don't know." Hermione says

Just then Malfoy appears close by.

"Hey, Weasley! Nice job out on the field today! You'll be our best player on the pitch!" Draco mocks "Get bent, Malfoy!" Harry yells

Draco and the other Slytherins laugh. Ron shakes his head as they walk.

"No, he's right. I'm useless out there. Complete rubbish." Ron says "It's your first practice. Don't worry about it." Harry says

Ron looks unusually pale. "I'm gonna make a fool of myself out there." Ron says

Harry gasps and rubs at his scar. "Are you all right, Harry?" Hermione ask "Yeah. Its just...the pain's getting stronger." Harry says

Ron and Hermione exchange glances.


Harry looked stressed as he climbs the steps towards his cousins dorm, not knocking before entering, only to pause at the door.

"You somehow, make me feel like the same one." Harry dryly

Ezra was trying and failing to get five chickens into their cage, freezing when he hears his cousin. Suddenly the older teen exclaims when he's pecked by one of the chicks.

"Fucking hell." Ezra curses

Harry laughs, closing the door. "You should've worn shoes." Harry, making his way over to help his cousin.

"Sorry, I stole the chickens, Fred was planning on jinxing them with a rabbi spell, it gives them the symptoms and makes them multiply like flies, but I plan on turning his prank against him, but I accidentally broke the lock and it's hard to wrangle together these assholes." Ezra says

Harry chuckles. "How did you find out about the prank." Harry asks

He's not about to tell his baby cousin that he gave Fred a blow job and stole the plans without him knowing.

"Asked for his help on transfiguration and stole the plans without him realizing." Ezra says

"I guess I have to watch my things around you. Sticky fingers." Harry jokes

"Hey kid, are you feeling okay? How's your hand?" Ezra asks

Harry shrugs. "It's a dull ache, nothing I can't handle." Harry says "you shouldn't have to, tell mom and dad, they can do something about the bitch." Ezra says

"I don't want to make this a big deal, trust me, it's all good." Harry says

"Fine, do you want to help me with my prank then?" Ezra asks "hell yeah." Harry says

Ginger Love • (Fred W.) • Harry Potter EraWhere stories live. Discover now