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Part 1 (Professor boyfriend)

Yn's pov

The bell rang, and i sighed out of frustration.
BIOLOGY CLASS, the class I hate the most! And on top of that the professor. I just hate him. I like the subject, but the professor is making me hate it. Last 3 days ago he made me do a whole ass worksheet just because I slept in the class. Now, what's my fault? If he teaches so boringly. Anyone can fell asleep.

He stepped inside of the class and cheers started coming from the girl's side.
Disgusting. I can't understand why the girls find him soooo much handsome!

He cleared his Throat, indicating the girls to stop and start focusing in the class. Why the hell our principal transferred him to our branch (school) for 3 months?! I just can't handle his classes!
I came back to reality when i hear a loud sound on my desk and i turned to see......
I fucked up. It's him.
"Yn can u please come back from your imagination world and concentrate in the class. I guess you're aware that today i am going to take a test. Prepared nah?", He asked.

"TESTTTTT????!!!!!! WHAT'S THE CHAPTER NAME?" , I thought

"Yes, sir", i said. Nervousness filling in me. I just forgot about the test. I didn't even read a single word. What i am gonna do?

"What's the chapter name yn?" He asked.

I internally slapped myself. Why the hell did i said yes. That i prepared. I don't even remember the chapter nam. Lol

"Life processes?", i answered but it seemed like a question.
"Good", he said and went towards the whiteboard to start the test.

Thank god. My guess was right.
He wrote the questions on the blackboard. I was a Grade A student so it wasn't really hard for me to answer. The test ended and we all submitted our answer sheet to him. After submitting my answer sheet yeonjun called me and passed me a chit.

To yn,
I am very shy to ask you this in person. Will you please hang out with me tonight? If yes, then make sure to text me back

From yeonjun

What the fucking hell? The soccer team captain asked me to hang out with him? How can i miss this golden chance? I immediately text him back with a "yes".

Riyaz's pov-
After yn submitted her paper i saw yeonjun passed her a chit with a smile. A SMILE???????? which was enough to melt any girl's heart. I don't know why but i felt angry.  Is it a love letter? What the hell. I immediately went to her and snatched the chit from her.
"No love chits, when you are in my class", i told her.

"But sir the class is already-", she said but I cutted her off.
"Whatever", i said to her and opened  the chit to read it.

"Will you please hang out with me tonight?"

I read it.
"Do all the worksheets of Lesson 5 by tomorrow or get a hard punishment", i said to her strictly.
"But sir-", yn said but i cutted her off.
"No buts, start your work", i said and left the class.
Hangout? Really? What the fuck is this yeonjun is upto?

Yn's pov-
All worksheets? Like what the fuck man? How can a single person do all the worksheets in a single night? Uhhhhhh.
For this i can't even hangout with yeonjun. This professor is getting on my nerves.

I texted yeonjun that i can't come and we can hangout on another day. I went to my seat and started doing the FUCKING WORKSHEETSSS

Next day

Yn's pov
I am getting a revenge from this professor. He made me do all the worksheets. I stayed up all night just to do this work. Uh. I am feeling so sleepy.

"Good morning class", he said  i didn't even realised that he has entered the class. Everyone including me greeted him back.

"Umm yn your worksheets?", he asked me with a smirk.
Uhh you guys don't know how much i hate that smirk on his face.
I went to him amd handed him the worksheets.
"Good", he said with a smile of victory.
Dude, don't he so happy i am getting a revenge on you. I went back to my seat and he started to teach. And i started my revenge. Swipe to know what yn did for revenge.
(The video is in the first, and what yn did was a PRANKKKKKKKK)

PROFESSOR BOYFRIEND | RIYAZ ALY× READER| Where stories live. Discover now