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Previously on The Bangtan High~

The very next moment, everything blacked out and your world fell into darkness.


A blurred sight of beige walls greeted you as you let the brightness sink in. A slight groan left your mouth while you attempted to move your body, trying your best to ignore the nerve paining headache. The familiar sight wrapped you with comfort, heavy approaching foot steps made you look at the direction of the sound.

"Are you feeling any better?" a head peeked in from behind the door frame, "You can come in Jimin" you said assuring as you tried to sit up, leaning backward, taking support of the bed frame. Your eyes fell on the small chair placed adjacent to the bed, facing it. "How long have I been out?" you questioned as Jimin took to chair.

"1 year" he said sighing. "What?" you gasped, not believing what you just heard. "Kidding, three days" what he said was supposed to be funny but neither of you laughed. "You look worse than I do" you said, your eyebrows knitting together in confusion as you observed his vivid eyebags and exhausted features. "I am sorry" he mumbled, "I just can't imagine what you must have gone through, it's just--" the remorse in his voice seemed genuine.

"I was supposed make sure that none of this happens to you, but--" he didn't complete his sentence, instead sighed out of frustration, burring his face in his hands as his elbows rested on the edge of the bed. You tried to reach out to him but hesitantly withdraw your hand back, "Hey, it's okay, that doesn't matter, I am fine now" you said, unsure of the fact that whether it was you who needed to be consoled or him.

"But still..." he didn't sounded convinced, he slowly reached out for your hand as you studied his actions with utter confusion. His fingers gently traced along the red, slightly deep marks on your wrist, a frown quickly replacing his smooth forehead. It took all of your remaining strength to not think about what you remember, at this point a quick memory loss would have been so helpful but that wasn't the case.

You remember every unwanted, traumatising and horrifying detail, "It's all my fault" the breaking voice brought you back to reality, you could feel him mumbling into your hand as he held it close to his face, "I am okay--" this time you were cut off, "Stop lying!" he almost yelled looking up, his eyes were watering, the tears trying to cover up the anger he had for himself.

But what was more important was the fact that he was right, you were lying, you were not okay, you felt like crying, you felt terrible. "Things could have been worst" you added, "But that wasn't case, because of you guys, because of my friends, I have always been naive, getting myself in trouble, but you guys somehow manage to get me out of it" you said with a faint smile.

"And I am really grateful for that" he wasn't looking at you, it was your wrist in his hands that had his attention. "I am grateful that you are here" he finally looked up and mirrored your tight lipped smile. "It's nice when you are not being your normal sassy self" you slightly chuckled acknowledging his comment. The door Bell's sound filled the room catching both of your attention.

Jimin got up to answer the door as you wondered who it might be. "Hey" you looked up as the two figures came in view tailed to Jimin with their sympathetic gazes. "I will leave you all to talk" Jimin said exiting the scenario. "Feeling any better??" Medori asked as she sat beside you on the corner of the bed, followed by Anne. "Yeah, a lot better" you lied again. "I was losing my shit" Medori said with a sigh.

Were you really??

"Thank you guys, for reaching there in time" you were debating whether it would be a good decision to bring up the topic, but you did anyways, not wanting to regret anything later on. "What happened to Eunji?" You asked. "She is expelled ofcourse and is held in trial for the attempt of driving someone to suicide" Anne replied to which you noded.

"And as far her father is concerned, Bangtan High has pressed charges against him for false accusation and holding someone not guilty in detention without any prior notice and base evidence" Medori said with an assuring smile. "Press charges? Asking him to quit his job would have been enough, whatever he did was for his daughter" you mumbled.

"Ofcourse not, that man is going to pay for every little thing he did. The teachers are not going to let it slide easily" Anne said. "The annuals start tommorow, are you sure, you can give the exams??" Medori asked out of concern. "If you want, I can ask Jin maybe, you can stay back, you know" Anne suggested.

"Thanks for the offer guys, but I got this. I agree that I might not be in a mentally stable position right now, but I am not going to let that bitch and her bitch of a father to hold be back from achieving my goal" you reassured them. "Alright, whatever feels right to you" They agreed. "Also, there is something that I think you should know" Anne added.

The way she hesitantly exchanged glances with Medori was enough to snatch away your ease. "We had to conduct the funeral" Anne said apologetically. All that you had been holding up, came running down, feeling, emotions that you had been pushing further away from yourself, gushed in. "I am so sorry" Anne pulled you in a hug followed by Medori.

"I-- I can't believe she really is gone" quite sobs escaped your lips as you cried in your friends embrace. The blindfold of denial that had been covering your eyes was removed. All this time you kept thinking of waking up from this nightmare, not realising that this nightmare was your reality. "Hey, it's okay, you can cry" your friends comforted you.


The dry leaves crumbled beneath your weak steps. Sun casting shadows on worn grey stones, filtering through green tree leaves, bright yellow flowers pushing up through thick grass. Fields in the distance. No people. Silence being the only essence that adds to the density of the thick air.

Only one glance is all you needed to find it. Deep words carved on the tombstone. The carvings somewhat reminding you of your scars that lies within, unknown to anyone. They as just as deep as those carved words.

Lee Shelly
A beloved friend and a supportive roommate.
Will be remembered, always and forever.

The way your knees got week at the sight felt foreseen. Dying flowers bloomed around almost all the graves, each one having small notes attached to them, the ink fading away with the excessive effort of harsh weather. The damaged toys in front of some potrayed the same. It somehow remined you of the bouquet that was clutched in your grip.

Harshly wiping away the tears that rolled down your cheeks, you knelt down in fron of that perticular greyish memorial, slowly placing the bouquet infront of it. "I am sorry, I couldn't attend your funeral" you mummered, the dews from the moist grass now seeping through the layers of your denim. "Don't worry, I will keep my promise" you said with a faint smile.

You sat there for a while enjoying the company of someone whose presence could only be felt.

Heyo bubs, it's me again. Your (not so) favourite author. I am really glad that you guys have sticked around so far, and have been so supportive. You guys are literally the best omg, I can't even explain.

Also MediniGupta5  was dying to know what happens next, so dear I hope you're not dead anymore. I saved your life so you better pay me the hospital bill. Anyways, jokes aside I really appreciate you devoting your time here.

And it's finally time to start the countdown, two more chapters to go. I seriously though that I will never be able to end this book, I thought it would be never-ending, but here we are, almost towards the end. It's basically two more chapters + epilogue { ofcourse how could you think I would forget about that }.

That's all, I hope you all are great. Stay safe, do better, make good choices and I will see you guys in the next chapter.

Oh and do I really have to say it now?? Go ahead and break your finger against the vote button.

~Author Nim

P.S :- Is it just me or my writing skills are just getting worse, damn. And fuck Grammys.

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