The Red Scare

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One day I wanted to go to Mar so I did. The road was realy long but I drove there and had to get gas but in a few days I made it to Mar with my dog Spensr. We were the first people on Mar and we dorve off the road and went to Mar and it was realy red but a bit smaller than Earth and I likd it because we were the first people on Mar.

And we went to the city but it was empty because there was noone on Mar and I was all alone but I had my dog Spensr with me and I wasnt scared because I had a gun.

And I went  to a hotel but it was empty so I went upstairs and the room was clean because noone had ever slept in it because noone was ever on Mar and I went to bed with my dog Spensr but he slept on the floor.

And then I was scared because it was darrk and I was having a nightmare and it was scary and I woke up and was scared on Mar and Spensr wasnt on the floor so I got realy scared.

And then there was a noise and I looked and saw a gost in thee room but they had my dog and I went to get Spensr my dog but the gost was gone!

And I got realy realy scared and there was a boo and

JUMPSCARE!!!! (Did I get you?)

And then I was realy scared because the gost looked like a robot animals like from five nights at the freddy place and I never played it but I heard it was scary so I got scared.

And then I took off my helmet so I could see and shoot the gost with a gun and the noise was realy loud and the gost turned into a even scareir gost and I was scared but I shoot it again and it died and I got Spensr back.

And then I went back to sleep and I woke up and there was another gost but I shoot at it and it got scared and ran away so I chased it.

And then the gost ran on the walls like Spiderman and I shoot it and I missed because it was to fast so I ran after it and was shooting alot.

And then the gost hid and I shoot everything I see because I didnt want to be scared so it went behind me and said boo and I got scared and I shoot it and it died and Spensr was happy because I killed the gost and then we went home.

And I never got scared again

BOO! (Got them!)

Bye bye!

Juts kiding guys its me Joey not a gost haha

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