Emiko Fujioka

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Age: 17
Birthday: 31st October
Star Sign: Scorpio, The Scorpian
Gender: Female
Height: 176 cm (5'9")
Blood type: AB-
Ethnicity: Asian
Nationality: Japanese
Relatives: Ryoji (Ranka) Fujioka (Father)
Kotoko Fujioka (Mother, Deceased)
Haruhi Fujioka (Younger Sister)

Favourite Food: Japanese sweets Wagashi
School: Ouran Academy
Occupation: High School 2nd Year Student
Karate Student (Holidays)
Kickboxing Instructor (Weekend & Holidays)
Club(s): Disciplinary Committee (Lieutenant)
Ouran Host Club
Face claim: Lilith Asami

Emiko has long waist-length scarlet red hair that she keeps styled, especially when she started attending Ouran Academy. She has beautiful dark brown eyes that make her fair skin lighter and hides her pierced ears from the Disciplinary Committee's Captain due to having four earrings on each ear. During Emiko's first year at Ouran Academy, she wore the banana yellow female uniform. Still, once she joined the Disciplinary Committee, she began to wear a black skirt and blazer along with a white top and red tie and a red band around her forearm that identified her as a member of the Committee.

Emiko is a stubborn girl who doesn't like those who do not listen to her; though she is hard to reason with, if you give her a good argument, she may re-think. Though it seems only Haruhi and Kyoya have proven to get through to her strict and hard-headed thinking. Emiko is a calm person on the outside and is hard to anger due to her cockiness as she would instead turn the tables on the other person. Kyoya admires Emiko's quick wit that she's used against Tamaki, especially her snarky nature, finding it refreshing to see someone not under the blond's spell. Haruhi loves her sister, who always protects her and is very loving towards her, and doesn't find sacrificing anything for her, but wishes she would think of herself. The Hitachiin twins love teaming up with Emiko against Tamaki, playing pranks and teasing the blond as she can act childish and always has a sarcastic quip on her tongue, though she can act strictly when on duty.

Martial arts: Emiko started taking lessons when she was six and became an expert only recently; she uses this mainly as self-defence or to put people in their place when she is on duty as a Committee member.
Karate: Emiko has only been taking Karate for a few years and is already a red belt as she takes lessons during the holidays and only tries using the disciplines in her life.
Kickboxing: Emiko finished her lessons two years ago and has a part-time job to help her father, teaching at the local gym on the occasional weekend and during the holidays when she doesn't have plans.
Bo Staff: Emiko has a preferred weapon, as she has excellent control; though she doesn't own one at home, Emiko uses it as her disciplinary weapon at school, and she sometimes uses it to trip Tamaki if he becomes too much to handle.
First-aid: Due to wanting to become a Doctor after she finishes school, Emiko picks up extra classes and knows quite a bit of first aid.
Cooking & Baking: Emiko enjoys baking treats, and even on special occasions, she makes cakes for her small family and loves cooking for the customers at the Host Club. Haruhi and Emiko take turns cooking for dinner and lunch, but both cook for breakfast with their father as a family.
Multilinguistic: Emiko enjoys learning new things and can speak Japanese (her mother tongue), English, which she's taught in school, Russian, which Emiko decided to teach herself when she bought her first computer, and German, as Emiko wishes to travel there after University, and she's planning to learn other European languages over the years.
Computers & Hacking: Emiko is an expert at using a computer; she even helps her computer science teacher sometimes in class and has even hacked into Kyoya's laptop to wind him up; she deleted some of his homework as payback for showing her up in class.
Singing: Emiko doesn't believe her father or sister when they tell her; she has an angelic voice but unknowingly hums when she's lost in her thoughts.
Piano: Emiko learned to play the piano from her mother before she died and doesn't often play unless she feels stressed, though she does like to compose her little melodies.

} Emiko finds ordering people around fun, though her Captain warns her from time to time.
} Emiko loves going on her computer, which she bought a couple of years ago, and learned how to hack and loves writing new codes and playing video games.
} Emiko likes the cold weather, especially when it turns to autumn with the leaves changing and loves playing in the snow with Haruhi.
} Emiko's favourite holiday is Halloween; it happens to be her birthday, and she always has a surprise party for her guests.
} Haruhi has to be careful of how much coffee Emiko drinks as she can become unpredictable.
} Emiko loves watching horror movies; her favourite is Nightmare on Elm Street, and she has horror movie marathons with her friends from Middle School once a year.
} Emiko hates spicy food, and the twins sometimes prank her by putting something spicy in her food.
} Emiko hates Tamaki's flirting, and when they first met, he tried to flirt with her, and she nearly punched him in the face, but Kyoya stopped her.
} Emiko hates when her father drinks as she loves who he is when he's sober, but he no longer drinks around his girls.
} Emiko is unaware of her little crush on Kyoya, but Haruhi, once she sees them together, tries to get them together with the help of the Host Club.

Nicknames for Emiko:
Miss Fujioka
Big Girl
Disciplinary Committee Lieutenant
Darling girl

Nicknames for Haruhi:
Little Sister
Little Lawyer

Nicknames for Honey:
Little Man
Cake Monster

Nicknames for Tamaki
King of Idiocy

Nicknames for Mori:
Mr Silence

Nicknames for Hikaru & Kaoru:
Devil Twins
Troublemaker 1 (Hikaru)
Troublemaker 2 (Kaoru)

Nicknames for Kyoya:
Mama Bear
Scary Bear

Nicknames for Renge:

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