Could you put me down, please ?

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Seher came home from the hospital and was too weak even to stand. The moment she got out of the car, she felt dizzy and found it difficult to put one feet after the other. Before she could gather herself, Yaman came out from the driving side and was beside her in an instant. He took one look at her and without saying anything, picked her up in his arms. She was aghast and taken aback and even in this weakness, felt heat creeping up her cheeks. She protested saying , "I-I am o-okay. Please. I can walk. Please don't worry. Could you put me down? Everyone is looking at us. "

He looked deep into her eyes and said, " You are not okay and anyone can see that. You need to rest and I am taking you to your room." Then he bent his head and whispered in her ears," And I am not going to do anything to you except take you to your room. I promise."

She found hint of a smile in his eyes. She suddenly felt extremely shy and was flustered beyond measure. Her cheeks and ears were burning and she couldn't say anything anymore after that.She felt an urge to hide her face. His playful and gentle side made her more scared than anything else. It made her feel emotions she couldn't name. It put dreams in her head. She could feel her heart beating faster and prayed to God almighty that he couldn't see her reactions and how his nearness made her scared, as if a doe was being marked and circled by a predator.

She knew he could never ever harm her, but she was inexperienced in matters of the heart and a man like Yaman, who was all too masculine and strong, made her feel like a small school girl. She wanted to love and be loved by this quiet gentle giant but did not have the guts to accept even to herself that she was deeply in love with Yusuf's amca. This man, who was as full of integrity as he was full of darkness and sadness. The one man she trusted more than anyone, the one man who would protect her and Yusuf with even his life.

Yaman felt Seher's cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink and he knew he had embarrassed her again. But his concern for her had overridden all his thoughts of propriety. She couldn't walk and he could not bear to see even a slight shadow of pain or sadness on her face. It had taken him many nights to finally admit to himself that he was madly and deeply in love with Yusuf's teyze. He wanted to hold, comfort, smell and feel this woman. He was going berserk with his love for her.
Her nearness did things to his senses and sometimes he would just wait to catch a glimpse of this woman, be it in kitchen, in garden, in Yusuf's room or even passing her on stairs.

He wanted to comfort and hug her and remove every fear and anxiety of hers. He wanted to declare from the rooftops that she was his woman and he could do anything to keep her safe. He had spent his life hating women and equating them to betrayers. But after knowing Seher, he realized that he had been so wrong. She was an innocent, beautiful, gentle and kind hearted woman. He had never known a softer lady both on the inside and the outside. But he also knew that for people she loved , she could protect them like a lioness, as she had for Yusuf, in their initial days.

She had an inherent goodness which acted as a beacon light for people around her. She was like a balm to his wounded and dark soul. Sometimes he would wake up late at night from his nightmares, and would imagine Seher holding him and comforting him. He knew instinctively that she would make a wonderful mother and an equally wonderful wife. He wanted to hold her like this , close to his heart, till eternity. He had started imagining scenes of all three of them living as a family, a real family.

Very often his dreams would also be not so pious and he knew if he ever shared those thoughts with this gently bred lady, she would die of shyness and shock.
It had dawned on him the day he had almost lost her and rescued her from Ozan, that he wanted to marry this woman and give her all the love his heart was bursting with and could not contain. He had realised that it was getting difficult hiding his feelings anymore and his flirting was making her awkward. He wanted to make her comfortable first. But the lady would not even look him in the eyes.

But her bashful nature enamoured him too. The moment she got all shy on him, he felt like holding her and make her look into his eyes. Her shyness was so beautiful and without artifice. He could see her hands twitching and one hand involuntarily going to her heart to stop its erratic beating. He had committed to memory by now all the tell tale signs she displayed when she was nervous in his presence. She would eventually look for water and then pat on her hair. Oh,how he wanted to kiss her and feel her soft curves. This was the kind of woman who filled a man's head with wedding bells and love making and all things starry. She was an angel who had accidentally been gifted to a man like him, who didn't deserve her but sure as hell worshipped her.

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