Chapter 1

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I was going to be starting college soon and I still had to go school shopping, so why not just go with your roommate. So I text my soon to be roommate to see if she wanted to go school shopping. My roommates name is Katelyn. She is very kind and sweet.

Allies POV

Me and Katelyn arrive at the mall. "Where do you want to go first?" I say with a smile. "Target?" She said looking at me. "Sure where ever you want." So we bought things that we needed for our dorm room. "Do you want to take a ride up to the dorm to see if this stuff will fit?" She asks. "Sure and maybe if were lucky we can leave our stuff there so we don't have to bring it back up in two weeks" I say. "Yeah."

We arrive at the dorms. It is alittle but of a drive cause we live Orlando and the college is in Miami. She lives here all her life and I just moved here for college so I still didn't know Florida the way she does. I used to live in California.

"GET UP! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR THE FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE!" Katelyn say with excitement in her voice. She starts hitting me with a pillow to wake me up. " I am up jeez." I say as she continues hitting me with the pillow. "You can stop hitting me with the pillow now." I say a little rudly but she doesn't seem to notice. "Oh sorry I am just really excited for today." she says with excitement. "I can tell." I get out of bed I see she is already dressed in a nice dress. "Don't you think that is a bit much." I say pointing to her dress. "No I want to give a good first impression. Why what are you going to wear?" She says to me. I plainly say "a tee-shirt, skinny jeans and uggs. Is that a bad impression?" "No I just want to look sophisticated." Katelyn shoots Allie a glare. " Jeez, calm down. And maybe you should just wear what I am wearing I don't want you to get made fun of in the first day." I finish getting ready. "Do you want to get a coffee before class?" Katelyn asks me. "Sure I could use a coffee right now." On our way to the coffee shop we see this girl drop all her stuff right by us, so we stop to help her. "Are you ok?" I ask her. "Yah I am just clumsy." The girl answers. "It is ok and what is your name?" Katelyn asks. "Oh my n-name is l-leah." She answers. "That is a pretty name and where are you going right now?" I ask. "I am going to mr. Sweeney's class room. Where are you guys going?" Leah asks me and Katelyn. "We are going to the the class right across the hall from that." Katelyn answers Leah with excitement. "Maybe we can all walk together?" Leah asks me and Katelyn. I give Katelyn a glare like "don't even ask me". I don't really like her. I have a bad feeling about her and honestly I feel alittle jealous that she will steal Katelyn away from me. "No thanks we will try to walk with you another day but today we want to walk alone." Katelyn says to Leah and Leah walks away with a sad expression on her face. Me and Katelyn walk to the coffee shop and make it to class on time. Class was over and Katelyn and I were in our room. I was studying because I had a test on Thursday in English and I had to study. I was complaining to Katelyn that I was hungry and she should go get me food from the cafeteria. So finally after an hours of me complaining she also grew hungry and when to get us food.

Katelyns POV

I was on my way to the cafeteria and I noticed it was raining and I forgot my coat upstairs in our room. Some nice guy noticed as I was about to go back up the stairs he just gave me is jacket and told me to keep it. I was walking through the rain in a gigantic coat draped over my shoulders. When I enter the cafeteria I see a table full of screaming girls surrounding it. I walked over to the crowded table. "What's going on?" I ask the group of screaming girls next to me. "They are giving away free One Direction tickets for the first row!!!" As soon as they told me I was trying so hard to not freak out. I noticed one of my friends were working at the table so I made my way through to her. "Gwen, do you have any tickets left?" She was looking and she pulled out two tickets. "How many do you need, I only have two left." Oh my god I can't control it anymore I screamed at the top of my lungs. No one really heard me because it blended in with the other screaming girls. but I don't know if Allie will go with me she doesn't like One Direction. Oh well I will make her go with me. "I will take both please." I say to Gwen. " You might want to take these before you caught." she says as she points to the doors of the cafeteria as four cops walk in and start heading to the table. She tells me to go out the back door and go straight to our door and hide the tickets.

Allies POV

I am studying in our dorm and I hear screaming and knocking at our door. It scared me so I got up and ran to the door. I open the door and Katelyn runs in and runs into our bedroom and puts two pieces of paper in her underwear drawer. She starts screaming "ALLIE GUESS WHAT I JUST GOT AT THE CAFETERIA!!!" "I don't know and who's coat is that?" I say pointing to her coat. I am so confused. I never seen her like this. "I don't, some cute guy gave it to me and I GOT VIP ONE DIRECTION TICKETS FOR FREE AND YOU ARE GOING WITH ME!!!" She says so excited. She knows I hate One Direction. Why would she want to bring me to this concert. "Katelyn, you know I hate One Direction. Why would you want to bring me to this if you know I hate them?" I say thinking why she would want to bring me and not Leah. "I know but you are going with me because we need to spend more time together." She says scowling at me. "Don't we spend enough time together. We live together jeez." I know she isn't taking no for an answer. "No your going with me." I can she is getting madder and madder. "But-" she doesn't even let me finish. "You are going and that is final." She says sternly and forceful. I finally give in and say "fine" and she starts screaming of happiness.

I hope you guys like my first chapter of my first ever book. Please follow me on Instagram and Twitter and let me know what you think of my book so far.
Instagram: alliethebomb25
Twitter: Allieboo25


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