The Next Morning

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"Fuuuuuuccckkkkk meeeeeee!!!"

Ruby ran and ran, a large lizard creature roaring towards. Fire spared out of its mouth. She could feel the heat on her back. Why the fuck did I do this??? WHY DID I DO THIS??? Thoughts like these ran through her head as she literally ran for her life.

"Ruby, over here."

She looked up and saw Gene, on the higher layer of rocks (high enough for the dragon to not reach) holding out his hand to grab her. She smiled and did an epic jump to reach out for his hand. He caught her hand and pulled her up from the snapping jaws of the dragon.

She landed on top of him, with an OOF from both of them. "Ow... " Ruby moaned, scratching her head. Gene took the small pirate and placed her on his side.
"Ruby, dear..."He grabbed her by the shoulders and carefully shook her around a little.


Ruby just stood there, trying to get back her brain cells that she lost from Gene's little taturm. "I saw something, and I wanted to get it!" She agreed it was dumb what she did, but it wasnt like she wasnt going to stand up for herself.

"That. Wasn't. The. PLAN." Gene hissed.

Ruby waved her hand at him, mockingly. "Egh, we got the shit done. Who cares how it was done?"

"WHO CARES?????" Gene pulled at his black hair, obviously upset.

"Rubs! You okay?" Ruby turned her head towards the voice, instead of the man in front of her having a literal tantrum.

Alex and Twinkle walked towards them. Or, at least Alex walked. Twinkle just floated. "Oh my Goodness! Are you okay?" Twinkle fluttered towards Ruby, landing to sit beside her. "Ha! I'm more than okay!"
Ruby stood up. "I could do that again!"

"Well, you can try." Alex kicked a loose rock into the low pit below them, and a loud roar erupted. Ruby tensed up. "Maybe.. Not". he let out an adorable chuckle.

Gene let out a deep, frustrated sigh. "Alright. Let's go." he hissed.
"Ooooh! Where are we going next?" Twinkle eyes glimmered in excitement.
"Home, Twinkle Dear. I had my daily amount of tomfoolery for today..." Gene sighed.

Twinkle looked a little disappointed but continued to flutter by Gene, asking questions. Ruby dusted off the dust off her old jacket. Alex came up behind her.

"Are you missing something?" in his hands, was the bandana that Ruby's father had given her. Shit. She must have dropped it at some point. "Give it, Frog Face." She reached out for the bandana but instead, he pulled his hand out of her reach.
"That's very rude of you, Ruby Red..." He gave her a wicked smile, teasing the lass.

Ruby's face turns a light red. If he wasnt so damn handsome... "Alex, give me it back" She jumped to try and grab it but he was able to make sure it was out of her reach.
"Perhaps if you thanked me..." he basically mumbled in a low voice. It sent chills up her spine.
"You fuck head... I hate you so much" she hissed at him, continuing to try and grab it. But she lost her footing, and almost fell into the pit. "Oh shit-"
But Alex grabbed her waist, before she actually did and basically threw himself onto the wall behind them
She placed her head into his chest, shocked by what almost happened.

She let out deep sighs, holding on tight to his back. "That... was dangerous..." he held her tightly as well. "Here. Sorry about that..." Alex handed the bandana to her. She grabbed it but quickly buried her face into his chest.
"Um. We should go.." a red line appeared on his face. "Gene and Twinkle are going to get worried..." Ruby let go of him.

"Oh. Oh, yeah." they both stood there, their faces very red. They finally parted from their strange hug and ran towards Gene and Twink.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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