Give me commission rewards

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Tartaglia was walking into the entrance of Mondstadt, looking for Katheryne to collect his commission rewards after a long days work, but noticed that instead of Katheryne being there, there was Scaramouche. He walked up to him.

"Got no other ways to earn money nowadays, huh?" Tartaglia questioned with a smirk.

"What's it to you? Not your business."  Scaramouche sneered. "If you're looking for a commission reward, go elsewhere, we don't have anything."

"Well that's a shame, I never thought The Adventurer's Guild of all things would run out of supplies." Tartaglia propped his arms on the wooden booth in front of him, one hand up, cupping his head to get eye level with the dark-blue haired male in front of him.

"Piss off already, if you got nothing else to do but annoy me." Scaramouche waved his hand in front of him, shooing Tartaglia away.

"Is it that hard to just give someone some mora at least? How'd you run out, anyway?" The ginger said with a straight face.

". . . I'd rather not talk about it."

"Oh come on, is it really that embarrasing? Why'd they even accept you to work for them, anyway? You don't really seem to have any qualities they're looking for." He leaned closer to the shorter male.

Scaramouche backed away, both hands in front of his face, "Just go away already! I'm capable of fighting, you know?"

"I doubt you'd be able to defeat me, but I wont mind a good fight once in a while, let's hope you can actually put up a good one."

"Listen . . . you said something about mora, didn't you? Just take some and leave, just . . . give me a second . . ." He fiddled with his pockets, searching for the least bit of mora he could.

He eventually got a hand full, and shoved it in the gingers face. "Now fuck off."

Tartaglia, who looked very amused, took the mora with gratitude, though he expected a lot more, it was better than nothing, right?

He noticed Scarmouches pockets were inside out and opened his mouth to speak, but he noticed that . . .

"Uh, hey . . . got a little issue there, no?" Tartaglia said with an awkward smile, trying not to burst out laughing.

"Huh? What do you mea- . . . Oh. My. God."

Scaramouche quickly covered his wet private area, obviously extremely ebarrassed. "I-I-Ah- Uhm . . ."

"You got your mora, right? Now leave, stupid, bitch ass ginger. . ."

"So scared of fighting me that you pissed your pants? Ha! Pathetic . . ." Tartaglia smirked yet again, blushing, just enough to not be noticed.

"Just get out of here, or something . . . ! Just forget this happened!" The smaller male crouched down, finding it more effecient in hiding the wet spot on his pants.

"Fine, I'll leave, you might wanna wash those later, though . . . let's hope I'm the only one who notices, yeah? Thanks for the mora." He winked with a smile, and left Mondstadt to go do some errands, leaving Scaramouche in a very uncomfortable position, not bothering to even assist him.

//This whole fanfiction is based on something me and my friend did on a genshin roleplay we did on roblox :')

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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Scaramouche Pees His Pants [Scaramouche X Tartaglia]Where stories live. Discover now