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3rd Person P.O.V

It has been a few months since Lila had came back, things were starting to go up but she had to destroy all the hope Marinette had had.

On a bright and sunny Monday, Marinette had come to school late again. She stumbled into the class while tripping on air, but with her Ladybug senses that were starting to mix with her everyday personality, she had pushed herself back on her feet. Marinette continued to stumble to the back and plopped down into her seat.

"Alright class, quiet down now." Ms. Bustier clapped her hands together, getting the class's attention harder and harder each day. "Now students, today we have a new classmate coming. Please come in Mr. Graham De Vanily, and introduce yourself in front of the class." Ms. Bustier said with a way too polite smile on her face, Marinette quietly snarled as she stared at the fake look on her teacher's face.

A hard yet soft sound of shoes clicking to the floor broke her out of her negative thoughts as she focused at the front. "My name is Felix, I don't like making friends so please don't bother talking to me" Felix grimaced while he analyzed the class. "Hm, why don't you sit next to-" Ms. Bustier continued after Felix stopped talking but had gotten cut off in the process, "He can sit with me!" A loud and cheery voice rang through the class, everyone looked at where the noise came from and surprise surprise, it was Liar Rossi.

"Oh, sure, Alya do you mind if you sit next to Ivan?" She said with a smile, "..Sure, miss." Alya quietly spoke out, questioning why Lila wanted someone else to sit next to her and not her bestfriend.

Alya prepared to pick up her bag before Felix asked, "Um, Ms. Bustier, isn't there a seating arrangement?" "Well, yes but-" She sputtered, "Then can i sit where i want to! Seeing as when i looked at the paper the class president sent, i can see that most of them are in the wrong seats." Felix continued.

Ms. Bustier nodded as Marinette snorted and silently wheezed through the whole conversation. As she silently laughed to herself, she didn't notice the sound of Felix's dress shoes clicking go louder as he walked up to her.
"Ms. Dupain-Cheng, if you are done, i would like to ask if you could move so i can sit down?" He stared questioningly at her. She stared up at him, small streaks of tears in the corner of her eyes. "R-right.. Sorry." Marinette mumbled loud enough for him to hear, scooting over while she pur her bag down to the floor next to her.

Felix sat down next to her, staring straight up at the board. A bit surprised that she didn't try and get him to open up as she was the class president. An awkward silence with a few low murmurs went on through the whole class period before the bell rung and the teacher finally dismissed the class.

Word Count: 618

Hello, hi, hope you liked this chapter that didn't take that long actually- that was kinda surprising. Um, i was planning on making a part 2 to the prologue but this is good enough.
You'll have to wait to see what will happen next, soooooo..

oh yeah- my upload schedule will probably be once every week, sometimes i might not upload but i will try and post two chapters a week if i do forget to publish a chap.


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