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Not apart of the story I just wanted to point this stuff out before anything else happened  also there will be cursing
I'm sorry if this book turns out horrible I know I can be terrible at story's.. but I'm trying and hoping
Now if you see me misspelling or just not writing it correctly or something I'm super sorry I'm still in a wip of being a better writer because I'm a artist in real life not a book person but I'm bored and I wanna be creative so I'm making this book you see?
I'll do my best to give credit to the artist if I can some are hard to find others aren't so forgive me on that also if u like this story votes and comments of how you feel about it help me alot and makes me wanna write more ^^ so support is very much needed. If I ever draw anything for this please don't steal it I don't like people taking my art because they wouldn't credit me so it give me paranoia and please when I'm making this book and it does get popular please wait and be patient
Now for the little things you may wanna know for this book
Y/n = your name
E/c = eye color
H/c= hair color and etc
F/s= favorite show

Mainly can be anything
So when you see this just know it means for what you want ur Character to be I'll do my best to make this interesting so enjoy

Mainly can be anything××××××××××××××So when you see this just know it means for what you want ur Character to be I'll do my best to make this interesting so enjoy

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