Prelude, Treat Me Like Somebody.

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"Why the fuck is he sending you flowers then?" VJ shouted.

"I don't know! I told him to stop, but he doesn't listen!" Asia yelled back.


"I mean, I don't know. Why is it even that serious?"

"What the fuck? Are you seriously asking me why it's serious? Maybe I should get a bitch to send me some condoms then!" VJ's voice roared the entire house.

Xavier, the couples five year old son, was sitting on the ground covering his ears. He was used to this. He knew how intense it got when his mother and father fought, and he knew that this wouldn't be the last time they argued. Sometimes, they'd tell him to go to his room and when he shook his head no, they would turn transfer their anger to him. It hurt him. He missed the happy parents that he had in the very beginning. Now it seemed like when he got home, he came to two very anger people. He hated that. All he wished for, was for old times. Times where everyone would gather around the dinner table and just laugh. He knew all those happy times were gone though. Never to return.

"That's a totally different situation V, and you know it!" Asia said, trying to hold back tears.

"Bullshit Asia! Matter of fact, maybe I should visit your job and talk to Mr. Chris myself!" VJ shouted coming closer to Asia's face. He shred the flowers and threw them to the ground.

"Maybe you should!" Asia yelled back. Her husband came much closer to her that before.

"You're a slut," he whispered, "I don't even know why I married you to begin with." He walked away, and looked down on his son.

"Daddy," Xavier mumbled. VJ turned his head.

"What do you want Xavier?"

"Mommy's crying," he answered. His father looked back at his mother, and rolled his eyes. An ounce of care was not found in VJ's heart. He was angry at his wife. He felt this way every single day. No matter how hard he tried to search for the love they first had when they started dating, he couldn't find it. When things started to go on the right track, he could feel the love again. But when Asia's little work friend Chris bought her gifts, everything swung left. He was tired of all of it. He tried to not think about it, but who wouldn't worry if their wife had a secret admirer that they knew nothing about?

"Listen Xavier - Mommy isn't feeling to well okay? Maybe you should go upstairs and watch some tv alright?" VJ said, holding onto his son.

"No daddy, I want to make sure mommy's okay," Xavier said looking at his mother with sad eyes.

"She's fine."

"Are you sure daddy?"

VJ took a deep breath. He hated fighting in front of his son, but sometimes Asia started it. He carried him, and kissed his cheek. "I'm positive Zee. She'll be up and happy in the morning okay?" He responded smiling at his son.

"Ok daddy, can you give mommy a hug?"

"Not right now, but later I will."

"Promise?" Xavier asked opening his eyes and sticking his pinky out. VJ chuckled, and nodded his head.

"Promise baby boy. Now let's get you upstairs and tucked for bed." He tickled his son, and laughter bloomed the air.

"Daddy stop!" Xavier shouted trying to catch his breath. His father didn't stop tickling him though. He loved making his son happy, and he would never stop even if it meant giving up everything he had. After loosing his first son, the world flashed before his eyes. He realized that you shouldn't waste a mili-minute holding grudges towards the people you love because you never know when they'll be gone.

"Goodnight Z," he whispered kissing his son's cheek.

"Goodnight V," Xavier responding giggling.

Walking out of his son's room, VJ saw Asia still crying. She was cradled on the floor with her eyes wide shut. Something inside told him to comfort her, but something else told him that she didn't deserve it.

"But she's my wife," he thought to himself, "for better or for worst, she's still my wife." He took a deep breath, and walked over to her.

"Asia," he mumbled holding her hand tightly. She looked at him with red eyes. She was battered up inside. She loved VJ so much. She never thought they'd go through all the things they were going through. When she first met him, she knew he was the one for her. He was her first everything. Never at a moment, did she think the love of her life would become an enraged human being.

"Asia, I love you. I'm sorry for what I said. I-I didn't mean it at all. I was just saying it out of agony. I will always be here for you Asia. You know that. So please baby. J-just find it in your heart to forgive me. Please," he begged.

Asia turned around looking at her tearful husband. He was sitting right beside her on the ground. "You're forgiven," she said bluntly. He never noticed though. He did this every night. He'd yell at her, say malicious things toward their love life, come close to her pretending to beat her, and apologize. He'd apologize so gently and you'd think that he was really sorry, but Asia experienced the cycle long enough to know he was just doing it to do it. She was tired of all of it.

She got up, layed on the couch and turned on the radio. Coincidentally the song Somebody by Tink came on. VJ joined her, and wrapped his arms around her waste. As the song played, Asia cradled her head in his shoulders. She wished he was like this all the time - caring, calm, and loving. She tried to stop her tears, as the lyrics played, but it was hard. Seconds later, she found herself humming the song.


Somebody real is hard to find
Somebody worth all your time
Somebody who can tell you the truth
Someone who loves you for you
Someone who knows all of your flaws &
Doesn't impose, try to control them
Let's you be free
Doesn't deceive &
Gives you a chance to believe
Believe in something

She thought about the times her and VJ would just laugh and be happy. She missed all of that. She missed the times he would just kiss and tell her he loved her out of nowhere. She wanted him to become his old self, and throw away his new ways. She was waiting for him to give her a chance to believe that they could still have something.

Is that too much?
Cause I've been on the search and I'm losing my hope
Is that too much? Is that too much?
Trying to find love in a world so cold
Is that too much?
I just want an answer, I can't be the only one
Is that too much?
You ain't got to be perfect
Just give me a purpose to love

She kept humming. Her head was still locked into his shoulders, and his arms were still wrapped around her waste. VJ was also reminiscing. Just like Asia, he wanted to fix their love. Was that too much? Why couldn't she just tell Christopher to leave her alone? He loved Asia, and she knew that, but sometimes she didn't act like she accepted his love.

I just want somebody (body)
To treat me like somebody (body)
Won't be like everybody (body)
All you got to do is love me for me baby. [x2]


They were both humming, hoping to fix their love. The two knew that a fix wouldn't just come over night, but some time to come. They both had things to fix, but the question was, were they ready to fix it. Still on the couch, curled up on one another, they found themselves no longer humming, but singing the lyrics of the song. They wanted the same thing, at the same time, but it was up to them both to work on that. What is wrong? What is right? That was the only thing on their minds that night.

Happy reading, Sosabvby.


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