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So...this is probably gonna be a VERY short story but I'm bored and can't think of anything else to do so. This story is ONLY 1 part long!

Cheryl invites all of her old friends to her house for a so called "lock and key game night". Of course everyone is confused on what she meant...especially Toni...since she's invited as well even though her and Cheryl seem to be fighting. Minerva Marble is invited as well. She has a seat at the right side of Cheryl while Toni finds her seat at the left side of Cheryl. Very convenient....

Cheryl: Welcome everyone, to this rather...special gathering. I know I haven't been very social lately, or that I haven't been anywhere lately...besides here and in the Riverdale High gym. So, to settle everything down I came up with a fun little game night. Well...actually Minerva Marble came up with the idea, I just went along with it. Now, put your keys in this bowl right here. Sit your asses down and listen to her, will you please?

They all put their keys in the bowl and sit down at their chosen places.

Minerva: Thank you for the sweet welcome Ms. Blossom. So, hello. My name is Minerva Marble. And practically what this game is about is that we'll do rounds through the group and everyone has to reveal their deepest secret, also...all of you can do ANYTHING you want...or say ANYTHING you've always wanted to do or say to or with anyone in this room...including me and Cheryl. So...I hope you'll all enjoy, let's start with....uhm...you *points to toni*

Toni: Well. Hi Minerva. My name is Antoinette Topaz, but I go by the name Toni. I am THE Serpent queen and I work as a councilor at Riverdale High. Currently I am 8,5 months pregnant. *looks at Cheryl and Minerva before walking up towards Veronica and kissing her which makes Chadwick stand up from his seat*

Chadwick: *stands up and pulls Veronica away from Toni* get your bloody SERPENT hands off of her!

Veronica: Chad...calm down...it's just a game...plus...she's pregnant. Easy...okay? *settles her and Chadwick down*

Toni walks back to her seat.

Cheryl: Alright, it's my turn. For the people in here who don't know me...which is hardly even possible. My name is Cheryl Blossom, aka Cheryl Bombshell. Due to the fact I'm renovating this place, I don't have time for a daily job, so I parttime work at Riverdale High as coach for the River Vixens cheerleading squad like I used to do 7 years ago, together with Ms. Topaz. My brother was murdered, my father hung himself and my mother gave herself to the authorities...oh yeah, and I paint a lot. What I always wanted to do or say is...*looks at Toni before walking towards Minerva and kissing her, everyone is SHOCKED*

Toni: *gets tears in her eyes and walks out of the room, making Cheryl smirk*

Minerva: *pulls away from the kiss* What was that all about, you barely know me...

Cheryl: *looks down, before looking at everyone and walking away to find Toni*

Minerva: Well...let's continue...Fangs it's your turn

Meanwhile, Toni is crying in Cheryl's bedroom. Cheryl walks to her bedroom and knocks on the door before walking inside and sitting next to Toni.

Cheryl: Toni? Can we talk?

Toni: *looks up* What's there to talk about, you clearly don't love me anymore....

Cheryl tries to interfere with what Toni is accusing her of but she keeps getting interrupted by Toni.

Cheryl: You know what...we don't have to talk ever again. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going downstairs to try and make this party a little bit worth it. You...do you. *tries to walk away but Toni stops her*

Toni: Babe, please. I'm sorry. Talk to me. Open up to me, please. 7 years ago you told me that maybe if you were successful you'd be able to be with me, and look at you now...your selling painting for thousands of dollars...you are still a hot HBIC, and you've been taking care of yourself for 7 years, 7 long years without...me. Stop kidding yourself.

Cheryl: *tears up* Toni...even if I want to get back together with you...I can't. This curse I-

Toni: Cheryl...I don't know how many times I need to tell you this but you're NOT cursed! Who told you that you are anyways? *grabs Cheryl's hands*

Cheryl: *looks at Toni's hands* Nana did...

Toni: Don't listen to her. She's nuts and you know it. *smirks*

Cheryl: *doesn't hesitate and grabs Toni's face to kiss it*

Toni: *kisses back before pulling away* So...what are we?

Cheryl: Choni...we. are. Choni. *giggles before kissing her again*


Toni: *starts moaning in between kisses before grabbing Cheryl's bra to take it off*

Cheryl: *takes off all of her clothes before asking Toni to do the same*

Toni: *takes off own clothes and carefully placed Cheryl on the bed before getting on top of her* I love you.

Cheryl: *sucks on Toni's neck* I love you too.

Toni: *starts adding one finger into Cheryl's p*ssy. Rubs it fast*

Cheryl: *moans loudly, while moving her hips to make it feel better* yes babe...you're soo good at this..

Toni: *starts adding 3 more fingers and rubs even faster while now also licking Cheryl's boobies*

Cheryl: *moans really loud and starts to shake really badly* babe...I'm so so close! *cums all over Toni*

Toni: *licks some cum off of her hands before feeding it to Cheryl* you taste amazing like you used to *smirks before turning them around so that Cheryl's on top of her*

Cheryl: *slowly adds 5 fingers into Toni and rubs really fast* is it good like this babe?

Toni: *moans and screams really loud* YES BABE KEEP IT COMING! RUB ME FASTER BABE!

Cheryl: *rubs even faster before licking her clit*

Toni: *screams Cheryl's name before cumming all over her hand*

Cheryl: *smirks before licking Toni's cum off of her hand* was that good or what?

Toni: *smirks* it certainly was babe.

They hear loud noises coming from downstairs.

Cheryl: Damn...I forgot they were still here. Come on, let's send them away.

They go downstairs and send everyone away before getting into Cheryl's bed and falling asleep, Cheryl's head on Toni's pregnant belly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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