Accepting Care

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The next morning, Wanda woke up with her usual stubbornness, insisting she was fine despite Natasha's repeated checks. She might have used her magic to adjust the thermometer reading just enough to avoid staying in bed any longer. The team's concern was evident, but Wanda was determined to push through.

In the training room, Steve watched Wanda with a mixture of worry and frustration. Her coughs were harsh and persistent, her chest heaving with each painful breath. "You don't sound too good, Wanda. Are you sure you don't want to take the day off to rest?"

Wanda forced a grin, though it was overshadowed by her discomfort. "I'm fine! It's just allergies. I'll take a hot shower after this, just like my mom used to say. It clears your lungs," she insisted, though her voice was strained and wavering.

Her teammates exchanged concerned glances. Natasha, arms crossed, observed Wanda closely. Her experience with injuries and illnesses had taught her to recognize when someone was pushing too hard. Wanda looked on the verge of collapse, and Natasha's concern deepened.

"Let's end early for lunch today," Natasha decided, a smirk of satisfaction on her face as Steve nodded in agreement. "Now you can go shower."

Wanda opened her mouth to argue, but a violent coughing fit cut her off, followed by a sneeze into her elbow. "...Okay."

Steve walked over and placed a comforting arm around Wanda's shoulders. "Good. Take some of the allergy meds Bruce gave you, alright?"

Wanda shook her head, her frown deepening. "I've been taking them, but they don't seem to be working. I'm sorry."

Steve and Natasha exchanged puzzled looks. Allergy medication should alleviate symptoms, but Wanda showed no signs of improvement. "I'll ask Bruce if he can adjust the dosage. For now, go get some rest. We'll meet you in the kitchen," Steve instructed.

Wanda nodded and headed for her room. Natasha followed, sensing the severity of Wanda's condition. "I'll walk with you. I might shower too."

As they entered the elevator, Wanda felt a wave of dizziness hit her. Her vision swayed, and her legs felt unsteady. Natasha noticed the girl's shaky stance and sweat-slicked forehead.

"You alright?" Natasha's voice was soft but laced with concern. Wanda tried to steady herself but wobbled dangerously.

"Yeah," Wanda's voice was faint and strained. "I'm fine."

The elevator dinged, jolting them slightly. Wanda stepped out but stumbled, nearly crashing into the wall. Natasha quickly moved to support her, guiding her to her room. Wanda's exhaustion and struggle were evident, and Natasha's concern grew.

Once in Wanda's room, Wanda collapsed onto her unmade bed, her body barely covered by the sheets. Natasha, with a worried frown, placed a cool hand on Wanda's forehead. The contrast in temperature was startling.

"You're burning up," Natasha said, her tone serious. "How long have you been feeling like this? I checked your temp earlier, and it was fine."

Wanda pushed Natasha's hand away weakly. "I might have changed the thermometer reading so you wouldn't make me stay in bed. I'll shower and then meet you all in the kitchen."

Natasha's eyes hardened with concern. "Then stand up. Show me you can get yourself to the shower, and then I'll leave."

Wanda hesitated but eventually managed to get up. She was unsteady, her legs trembling as she made her way to the bathroom. Natasha followed closely, her eyes never leaving Wanda.

But as Wanda reached the bathroom door, her legs gave out. She crumpled onto the cold tile floor with a thud. Natasha's heart ached at the sight of the girl struggling so visibly.

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