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Inspired by: Rumors [Neffex]

Hope u Enjoy!

. . .

"Hey, Leo, have u heard of the new girl?"

Leo looked at Aries, and shaked his head.

"No, who is this girl, anyways?"

He asked, as Aries smirked and stand up then walked away from him as he was about to ask at him only for the Teacher to came inside the room.

"Hello, dear students, I hope, u all had have a wonderful weekend. Today, we have a new student and please, welcome her with warmth since she is very shy and timid. Ms. Pisces, please, come in and introduce yourself at the front."

She has a pale pink skin with aqua blue hair as she walked in, and had her eyes looking down at the floor. The Teacher smiled at her, as she looked up, and her gentle dark blue eyes looked up at the students plus the Teacher.

" name is P-Pisces, I'm 18 years old, I lived in Oceania St. and I hope, u can be my new f-friends..that's a-all."

She whispered, as the Teacher nodded and told her were she will be seating.

"Okay, Ms. Pisces go sit beside Mr. Leo."

As Leo puffed his chest out in pride, as Pisces seat beside him as she fiddled with her hair, as Leo found it quite cute as the lesson started for the day.

~ Lunch Break ~

Leo's POV:

"So, Leo, u heard of the new girl, now?"

I looked at Aries, who had an smirk in his lips as I rolled my eyes at him and nodded.

"Yes, and her name is Pisces."

I said to him, plainly, as he smirked, again, at me as I just shrugged it off and started eating my meat for lunch as he ate grass and Sagittarius sit beside me, as he ate some vegetables with fish on the side.

"HEY, slave! Come sit and eat with us!"

I stopped eating as I looked at the guy who shouted and I saw Pisces walking towards them as I stand up and hugged her from the back as the other students gasped. Even, Aries and Sagittarius choked on what I just did, but I don't care. What
I care is now, Pisces being bullied.

"Hey, lion dude, get off our slave!"

I growled at him, as he backed away but held his chin up as Pisces looked shocked as she looked at me, with her beautiful gentle dark blue eyes.

"P-please..let go, I have to obey my Mas-"

"No, you're not gonna obey him but me, today. They're treating u like slaves, don't let them treat u like this! Fight it!"

I said to Pisces as she looked down, and I felt guilty as I pulled away from the hug and hold her hand as I dragged her with me, ignoring the male calls for me.


. . .

"Are u ok?"

I asked, Pisces as she looked at me, slowly, then she started to sobbed as I hugged her to comfort her as I didn't mind about my shirt being wet with her tears. She then soon, stopped crying as she let go of the hug but I hugged her back as she squeaked which was adorable.

"P-please, let go, L-Leo.."

She stuttered, which is cute as I chuckled as I didn't let go as I sweep her off her feet as she yelped in surprised and I saw her blushed as I chuckled.

"You're so cute~"

"S-shut u-up!"

She shrieked in flusteredness, as I laughed, as the two of my friends smirked at me, as I rolled my eyes at them as Pisces hit my back but I didn't let go as I dragged her away from school not caring if I skipped class, today.

. . .

"P-please, p-put me d-down.."

She pouted as I let her go, as I laughed when she crossed her arms at me and pouted angrily as I ruffled her hair as she pouted even more as I smiled.

Even, we just met, I know, she's the one.



Cute couples and a sweet ending.

Have a great day/night! Bye!

728 words



This is just copypasted :"> I'm sorry.

Hope u Enjoy, btw!

Leo x Pisces [Zodiac!OneShots]Where stories live. Discover now