Playful Pranks and Hidden Fears

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Wanda sat on the grass outside the compound, idly pulling up blades of grass from the roots and piling them on her dress only to blow them away. Her mind wandered to her brother and the missing people the team had been trying to locate. She felt a pang of guilt, knowing her recent actions were the cause of the disappearances, though she kept this secret tightly locked away.

Sam emerged from the garage with a devilish grin and a mischievous glint in his eyes. Wanda's focus broke as he shot her shoulder with a water gun.

Her mouth dropped open as she stood up from the grass, the cold water sending shivers down her spine. "Sam!" she yelled, though a smile tugged at her lips. "It's so cold, it's so cold!" she squealed, trying to wipe the water from her dress.

Sam pretended to reload his water gun, pointing it back in her direction. "You better start running," he warned.

"Sam, no, don't!" Wanda said, taking steps backward as he got closer. She started running away, and in response, Sam aimed his water gun at her.

Wanda used her magic to lift herself into the air, avoiding the blasts from the gun. "Aw, now come on, that's cheating!" Sam protested, stamping his foot. Wanda smiled mischievously and, using her magic, pulled a large blob of water from the lake behind the compound and suspended it over Sam's head.

"Oh, I see how it is," he said, looking up at the floating puddle.

Wanda grinned and let the water fall, drenching Sam and making his water gun look like a mere toy. She landed gracefully back on the ground and approached the now soaked man. "Okay, me versus you in a water gun fight. No powers."

"Got it," Sam agreed, as a water gun appeared in Wanda's hands through her magic. "Starting now," she said with a playful glint in her eyes, before running in the opposite direction.


"Are you going to stop them?" Natasha asked, walking beside Steve by the large window overlooking the yard.

"Nah, let the kids have fun," Steve replied, putting an arm around Natasha, who was sipping her wine.

"You do realize we have a conference in two hours, and she needs to start getting ready. The Bartons will meet us there, Laura is coming, and so is Bucky," Natasha reminded him.

Steve laughed, "Wanda just drenched Sam," he said, watching them have their water fight.

"Did you hear anything I said?" Natasha's eyes narrowed. "Fine, a few more minutes," she conceded with a smile.

"I have a bad idea," Steve mentioned.

"All your ideas are bad," Natasha said, taking another sip of her drink. Steve nudged her with his hip.

"Hey Friday," Steve called out.

"Yes, Captain?" Friday's voice responded.

Natasha gave Steve a puzzled look, and he nodded confidently. "Turn on the yard sprinklers," he ordered.


"Okay, little red, this town ain't big enough for the both of us," Sam declared, pretending to act out an old Western movie.

"Well, maybe you should leave," Wanda replied, trying to play along, though she was uncertain of the reference.


Sam's speech was cut short as all the sprinklers turned on, making Wanda squeal and try to dodge the water.

Sam, still in his cowboy stance, moved closer to her. "Sam, enough. It's freezing," she protested.

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