Chapter 1 part 1

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so i say tonight and then i come back never lmfao my fault guys. have the content back. lk felt so guilty :')

"Fuck! I can barely see a thing!!" The room was filling up with gases and the oxygen masks could only go so far. The poison was spreading through your bodies.

You glanced at her squirming body crawling towards you weakly, as you slumped on the floor. With a pained expression you stabbed yourself with the only cure you could find. "I'm so sorry Hikari."


Walking home from a concert with Hikari using your shoulder as a head rest, the two of you sang aloud the songs you had listened to on stage not too long ago. Hikari had been your best friend since elementary, she was always there for you and vice versa. The love you had for each other ran deeper than water and deeper than blood. She picked you up everytime you fell down; and when it seemed like the world turned against you, she was the only person on your side.

"Ugh, I reek of alcohol. I got a bunch of beer spilled on me during the mosh pit."

She took a whiff of your clothes, "A little bit. But you can always get some air freshener at the convenience store on the way home."

You winced, "At this hour? We're not even near our houses yet, this place is uncharted territory."

"You're being dramatic, we'll be in and out! I'll protect you from any creeps." 

"With what body strength do you have to protect me?" You scoffed pushing her aside then pulling her in with your arm snaked around her waist. "If anything I'd have to carry your dumb ass while I do the work."

She wrapped her arm around your shoulder, "Oh come on!" she groaned, elongating the end for emphasis. "I can handle a couple of nobodies, but your mom might just kick you out again if she finds out you're drinking." Then, she taunted you, mocking your voice with a goofy tone before scoffing and pulling away. "Also, it's supposed to be the thought that counts.."

You sighed and slid your hand down to hers, interlocking your fingers. As you walked in to the quaint convenience store, you swiftly grabbed a bottle of air freshener and placed it on the counter for the cashier to scan it.

"You guys old enough to be drinking?" The teal haired boy behind the counter said, making your eyes grow wide in embarrassed. Is it really that noticeable? You took a whiff of your clothes and groaned.

"If we're not?" You jokingly spat out in a rude tone.

"I'd imagine I'd report you for underaged drinking."

"Oh come on, you were 18 once! Don't tell me you hadn't had a drop till 21." You protested.

He chuckled, seeming to be a nervous reaction. "I try not to go near the stuff in the first place. Besides, I barely make enough for the luxuries of an addiction."

"How proper." You sneered with a smile.

"It's only the truth, trust me I wouldn't be working here if I had another option despite how amazing this job is." He bantered, before laughing at his own ironic tone of voice. You laughed before handing your cash to the cashier.

You continued to make small talk with the cashier you found "so charming" as he handed your change and receipt. But there was anxious, almost frantic, tugging on your shirt that started to irk you. You looked back at Hikari, after letting out a little sigh, "Yes?"

In a hushed whisper, she anxiously leaned into your ear. "Y/N, I'm not entirely sure but I think those two guys are watching us, don't look now."

You expression and demeanor changed drastically as you understood the situation. You took a deep breathing, letting your chest puff up, and let out a hearty sigh to relax yourself. Despite Hikari's confident manner, she was not one to think logically under serious circumstances. However, you thought nothing of what was happening and remained calm to act rationally.

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