The term after spring break - I

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It was the start of freshman year , teens are normally quite excited for this phase of their lives but nothing seemed exciting for Arya who had to adjust to a new rigorous schedule. As it is getting up at 6 in the morning was a pain in the ass for Arya who never really understood the necessity of taking a bath every day . To add to her suffering was that one giant glass of milk sitting on the kitchen counter which she had to finish before leaving for school.

"Mom why can't I have coffee , I'm fourteen now."
Her mom screamed from the other room while still trying to untangle little San's hair, "Not until you're old enough to wake up your own."

    So to get rid of milk she would pour some of hers into her sister San's glass and then gulp the remaining in a single breath so that it is over before she knows it. Also she has to head out quickly so that she is not accompanied by her mother and sister to the bus stop. Well Arya is of the type who would get up late on purpose so that her dad would have to drop her to school but that changed when she met Rhea with whom she could gossip all the way till she reached school. The gossip of their happening lives was so much that they always used to end up having a big walk across the whole campus before reaching their respective classes and today it was going to take especially long because Arya wasn't done whining about going to these three hour long tuition class after school. It was even more difficult for her to adapt to because the classes were coinciding with the leisure time she used to spend after school and what's more worse than to be forced to study during that time.
"Don't worry Arya atleast you have Millie with you." , Rhea exclaimed before leaving to go to class.

    Well long study sessions are never good but they can be a tad bit bearable if you have company. Millie was in a different school but she was in the same year as Arya and they had been friends since they had met each other in their Math tuition a few years ago. Both of them used to go out after their tuitions on pretext of playing badminton but they would end up taking more breaks than actually playing. But today they knew that they won't even have time for that as it would be way to dark once they are done with their classes.

    Well nothing could be done really so they decided to be serious and take some front seats so they can focus better but then they both decided to skip the first row because that would become to serious for them. Shortly after they were joined by Sam, their casual badminton partner who to their suprise was in the same tuition.
"Are you following me ?" , Arya questioned because Sam definitely wasnt one of those who would take tuitions to improve his studies.
" Well I would be lying if I say no because I did follow you to this seat", he replied followed by his idiotic smirk after which Millie couldn't stop whispering in my ear "Woah.... he is totally flirting with you". To which I replied "Mille he can hear us he is sitting right beside me!!!", followed by a deep sigh because it were gonna be three long hours.

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