High School

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Being in the 78th class of Hope's Peak Academy filled with other exceedingly talented students as the sole "ordinary" classmate did come with its struggles, but ultimately Makoto was elated to have been selected as the Ultimate Lucky Student.

He was set off by the presence of the other students who had come from high social statuses before even attending the elite academy, but with little to no time, Makoto had mixed right in with the rest of the class. It was his naturally bubbly and kind personality backed up with the rich resilience that had led him to become friends with everyone so quickly, even the naturally suspicious unpeople-like souls such as Kirigiri and Ludenberg had become some of his closest friends in no time. Despite being below the rest of the class in both social class and status, he quickly rose in the ranks to become one of the most valued students in the entire school.

Because of this people came to him for seemingly everything. Fukawa frequented his advice and criticisms on her drafted novels, as he was always an open ear and eye for her works in progress and was more than welcome. Asahina often went to him for homework support and answers, and for just some company as she works out in the gymnasium or at the pool room. Hell, even Ludenburg asked him to participate in her weekly tea outings on occasion.

The only person he couldn't seem to make a connection with was Togami Byakuya.

The man would sneer and insult him every time Makoto tried to go up and talk to him, one time even going so far as to step on Makoto's foot with his sharp heel.

It frustrated Makoto to no end, and the stinging that came with some of Togami's physical attacks were the last thing but pleasant. Still, Naegi persevered.

One day as he was walking past the library on his way to an art class with Asahina, he decided to give talking to the tall heir another shot. Pushing the double glass doors open, he stepped into the red-rugged room and passed the tall rows of bookshelves to the location where Togami resided day after day. Nearing the polished wood table, the man came into view with his long legs propped up on a neighboring chair and his Siamese cat resting on his lap, their tail swaying.

"Hello, Togami!" He spoke, adding as much spark to his voice as possible to attempt to cheer up the boy he was speaking to as much as he could.

"Hello Naegi-kun," he spoke, not an ounce of interest in his voice.

Feeling a bit crushed at the lack of enthusiasm in Togami's voice, he decided to persist in his attempts to hang out with the other.

"W-well anyways," he started, rubbing his hand along his shoulder blade, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with Asahina-chan and me in the art room."

Ah shoot, he shouldn't have said that. He knew more than well how Asahina felt about the cold heir, and he would be damned before he put them in the same room together with only him to de-escalate fights.

"I would rather spend a night with that horrid Fukawa than 'hang out' with you and Asahina" he spoke, air-quoting Naegi's choice of the words 'hang out'.

"O-oh, okay then!" Naegi replied, adding his signature smile at the end to try and soften the blow of the other's words to both himself and the boy next to him.

With that, he turned on the heels of his red converse and started towards the door of the large room.

Well, that was a waste, he thought to himself.

He was beginning to get frustrated with Togami, it was of course not up to Naegi whether or not people wanted his company, and he knew that, but the hostility that Togami always responded with was what was getting to him. He couldn't imagine why someone would continuously want to deny the company of everyone else, it was bound to be lonely. Makoto didn't know what he would do if he didn't have the others in his class to converse with, or even just have the presence of. They were his support when he felt like he was crumbling, and the action behind his kind words. He loved each and every one of their companies and the fact that there was one student he was yet to connect with at all made him frustrated to no end. Not even Asahina's bitter rants about how annoying the heir was could prevent him from getting annoyed at him.

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