'Shoku Haruno'

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There is going to be a 4 year time skip. They will all be 14 years old and one year away from the U.A. entrance exams. Before going any further I'm going to explain their new abilities and some of the stuff that has happened in the 4 years. The rest will be seen as flashbacks.

 The rest will be seen as flashbacks

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How she looks

How she looks

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Hero Outfit

Vigilante outfit (just picture it as Shoku)

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Vigilante outfit (just picture it as Shoku)

Hero Name: Haku

Vigilante Name: Icicle

Affinities and strength with them:

Ice (strong)

Water (mid)

Wind/air (weak


Blizzard(Ice storm)

Ice Spikes( She can make ice spikes from the floor.)

Ice Bullets( either from her hand or little ones in the air that shoot out.)

Ice beam( literally just a beam of ice from her hand)

Ice Fists( Hardened fists of ice)

Ice Mirror Jutsu( Haku's jutsu from Naruto where she can travel through the Ice Mirrors.)

'Also she can manipulate Ice in all the same ways Todoroki can but is way better at it then he is

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'Also she can manipulate Ice in all the same ways Todoroki can but is way better at it then he is.'

Water wave (water wave that is as big as the amount of chakra she puts into it)

Water manipulation/bending( Like a water bender or Lapis from steven universe. Bending the water for a long period of time tires her out a-lot tho)

Air Palm( wall of wind that pushes things back)

Wind slash ( Slash of wind through the air)

Healing Jutsu( only low level and small to mid level injuries)

Shadow clones( can make 13)

Transformatiom Jutsu( can make self look like someone else)


After meeting with Jiraiya she learned due to her ice quirk she can easily manipulate water and can do wind but not to well. With Izuku and Haise they have trained to become stronger but also worked as Vigilantes helping rid criminals from the street. They have had to evade capture from the hero's many times including Erasehead who turns out can use Jutsu as well.

Her relationship with Izuku and Haise has greatly grown. Her and Izuku basically love each other now but are to nervous to say anything. And Haise has become like a brother to both of them. However both her and Izuku worry for Haise because he was the first of the three of them to become a Vigilante. And it wasn't just to help people, but to also find Information on Itachi.

All three of them also have grown close to Jiraiya as he has become a father figure for them despite how much he denies it.

Shoku hates her old family despite hearing the news that Endeavor has been changing and being a better dad after she ran away. To her it is way to little and definitely way to late. She prefers not to remience on the past.

Shoku is very against killing even if it is necessary. She has never killed anyone and gets into arguments with Haise since on their patrols if things get hard Haise is quick to consider lethal action. She understands that sometimes it may be necessary, but will never resort to killing unless it is absolutely the only option. However if Izuku was endanger she feels her feelings for him would very throughly trump her opinions on killing.

Level: High Genein/ Low Chunin

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