Rembrandt - The Famous Painter

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The story that I am going to tell you, is very important for everyone who wants to know about art. Who wants to know how the birth of a single man can change a whole kind of society, the society of art. How did the Western world change because of this man? How did the art of the other continents change because of this man? I will maybe even tell you how education was changed. Many talents, and a single man bringing them together.

The dark room suddenly seemed to shine out a kind of light, the light of God. The birth of a new living creature, one who was sure to be an important figure in the world of art. This boy would grow, learn, create. He bagan to

cry, in the house in Leiden. His house in Leiden. His parents had to guide him through life, his father being a miller and his mother a bakers daughter. A new life had begun, and the changes that this would bring can't be called insignificant.

Not. At. All.

The boy was named Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, and he grew up having quite a normal boyhood. He was the ninth child born in the Van Rijn family, and attended Latin school as a child. After that, he enrolled into the university of Leiden. That is where this story will be about, the school life of the artist, the painter, the man.

"Van Rijn. Van Rijn! Pay attention to the current subject, Van Rijn."

The teacher in front of the teenager was old and looked grumpy. Rembrandt looked up from his notebook that was covered with little drawings of everything that wasn't connected with the lesson. Rembrandt had a natural love for art, and was drawing during the lessons all the time.

"Detention, Van Rijn." His teacher said, after which he turned around and got to the front of the classroom again. Once he was there, the lecture about geometrics continued. Within five minutes, Rembrandt's attention was drawn to drawing again. He just loved it. Drawing, painting, it did not matter. He was an artist, no denying about that. After all the classes of that day were over, the day consisting out of the liberal arts, Rembrandt was in front of the geometrics classroom yet again, having said by to his good friend Jan Six. he knocked on the door and after some moments of waiting the sign for him to come inside was called.

"Come in."

Rembrandt opened the door, and was surprised to not find his teacher but the head of the school inside. In an awkward silence, he walked to the chair in front of the classroom and sat down.

"Do you know why you're here, Rembrandt?" the Head asked, his voice kind and full of promises.

"Because I have been nasty, sir." Rembrandt said. "Or that is what Jan said, and he must know since he's a noble."

"Well, then it must be a lie that he is a noble, because you are here for a good conversation." The Head said, and he placed the tops of his fingers against each other. His eyes were focused on Rembrandt as he asked the question that would be more than important in Rembrandt's life.

"Van Rijn, do you like painting?"

"Yes.. Sir.." Rembrandt said, he had expected a bit of a different question though.

"Then, what would you think of being the apprentice of Jacob van Swanenburgh? You know, the history painter?" the Head said.

"Yes, sir. That would be magnificent, sir." Rembrandt said, as a big smile played along his lips. Of course he knew Jacob van Swanenburgh.

"Alright, Rembrandt, then we will make you that. Go and meet Van Swanenburgh next week, and you might be accepted as his apprentice and learn what you always have wanted to know about art."

And Rembrandt... He did.


Rembrandt was hired by Jacob van Swanenburgh and spent there three years. He learned things, made things and developed his interest in art and painting. They got along quite well, but goodbye always needs to be said in the end. So also in the story of Rembrandt's life. Rembrandt started a little art gallary of his own, together with his colleague and friend Jan Lievens.

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