chapter 1

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 I wake up to beau farting in my face. I guess its what I get for moving in with these idiots. he started walking away but before he left the room I tackled him. then I started tickling him. (the janoskians are super ticklish you can watch there video of them tickling each other lol)  he started laughing like an idiot.

"Stop please stop I promise I'll never do it again if you stooooop" he said in between laughing. I stopped for a second then started tickling him again. he grabs my waist and we switch positions really quickly and I was under him.

"Damn it" I said then he starting tickling me. I laugh so hard and I have the ugliest laugh ever. "Stop im doing my ugly laughhhhh." I said ad he stopped.

"you have the most adorable laugh ever how do you think its ugly? nothing about you is ugly no even your feet and I hate feet." he said "its actually more hot than ugly." he said staring into my eyes.

"Beau im dating jai an I love him please stop. I love you but like a best friend or like a brother not that way." most girls that dated on of the boys to get closer to the other brothers, because well I don't know why exactly, I mean if you like one go after that one not the other. both luke and beau knows that so they keep trying with me even though I've told them I love jai I mean we've been dating since we were 10. well on and off. when I go places for my modeling I tell him we should take a break because I go for months at a time and we both agreed the long distance thing have hurt to many people we know so we can see different people during our break. I never have though I have no idea if jai has I never asked and neither did he. but beau needs to understand im not gonna cheat on jai.

"Oh come on don't act like you don't want me." he said leaning closer.

"Beau your obviously drunk I can even smell the alcohol on your breathe just get off of me and me and jai will run you a bath." I said trying to get up.

"only if you will be joining me in the bath." he said the smell of alcohol burning my nose.

"beau come on." I said

"Me and my brothers share everything why cant we share you?" he said leaning down to kiss me

"Because I'm Jai's and you don't share people." I said turning my head. he starts hurting me trying to lift up my shirt. "Beau please stop." I said I didn't want to call jai just yet because I don't want them to get hurt.

"Me, james, luke and Daniel are going to get breakfast! brb" jai yelled and I heard the front door close. well now I really cant call him. he rips off my shirt still holding me down. I had a flash back to when I was 6. I knew Jai's family since I was born because they were family friends. I walked into beaus room and saw beaus dad doing touching beau in ways he shouldn't have. he walked over and closed the door and told me not to scream and did the same to me then made beau do it to me. I cried the whole time. he held me so tightly I had bruises for weeks. they did stuff to me then forced me to do it back. I didn't understand how bad it was then I knew it was bad though. beaus dad was drunk at the time then passed out so me and beau ran over to my house and told my mom and she called the police and got him arrested for 20 years its been 14 years so I don't know whats gonna happen when he gets out. I snap back to reality and beau unzipped his pants and kicked them off.

"Please beau not again" I said crying. he seemed to not even hear me he took off the rest of our clothes and he froze for a second. he looked like he was remembering something. "Beau focus. I'm jai's girlfriend please stop." nothing I said helped and he continued.


"were back!" james called.

"James!!! help me!!!!" I managed to say before beau covered my mouth. I hear james run up the stairs.

"Beau what the fuck get off her!" james said ripping him off me. beau didn't like that so he punched james in the jaw.

"BEAU STOP!!" I yelled then I heard more footstep running up the stairs. beau threw another punch at james but I ran in front f him and he ended up punching me instead. I dropped to the ground

"stupid bitch" beau said standing above me. he threw on his underwear at one point. I don't know when he did. he walked back over to james but someone grabbed him and threw him to the ground. it was luke. then Daniel came in and him being the strongest I ran to him and hugged him like a little girl hugging her dad she hasn't seen for months. I was still naked but I didn't care I just wanted to get away from beau. he punched me In the eye pretty hard so im guessing I'm gonna have a black eye. Daniel hugs me back. we watch luke hold beau down with one hand. luke was super strong to.

"What are we gonna do with him jai. he cant keep doing this to Madison. we have to kick him out." luke said

"But he will be homeless, we cant do that to him." I said still half crying and wiping away tears.

"Are you really standing up for him after what he did to you for the billionth time?!?!" luke said getting frustrated.

"Well kinda. I don't know but he has a problem and its our responsibility as his family to fix it." I said

"you mean mine and Jai's responsibility to fix it?" he said and I looked at Jai. we wanted to keep it a secret that we were getting married at least till Christmas which is coming up in 2 weeks.

"no I mean all of us. maybe me james and Daniel aren't blood related to you guys but that doesn't mean we don't love you all like family luke." I said. I walk over to where my dresser is and get a floral dress a nude purse and heels and jewelry. (search to see outfit.) I also get my makeup bag. "Maybe me and Jai should move out" I say not turning around to look at them but walking into the bathroom.

Luke's POV

"You can't consider moving Jai. We have planning since we were kids to live together." I said

"We can't live together forever luke. we did for a few years. we need to grow up.

"you shouldn't be the one talking about growing up." I said

"Me and Maddy are getting married and want to have kids luke." Jai said looking down. "Maybe you should start thinking about your future to luke. we can't do youtube videos the rest of our lives we need real jobs."

"You do realize Madison's job is to have a perfect figure she cant have any kids." I said trying to make him change his mind.

"Her agent and manager and everyone else said they want her to so they can appeal to pregnant women with bathing suits and stuff." he said. I felt a tear run down my face. I wipe it away immediately. "Please luke dont take this personally but i just need space and to spend time with Madison " i cut him off.

" i mean bc i know you wouldn't accidentally get a girl pregnant like your smart and i dont know dude i just love you and dont want you to grow up so fast live while your young." i hug jai and just let the tears fall

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