hangover strikes

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I raised my head off the pillow as I woke up, to my early morning alarm . Brunette strands of hair covered my emerald eyes . Eventually I went downstairs to make my self a cup of coffee , I boiled the kettle and got my Ed Sheeran Mug out of the cupboard that I got for christmas. I half asleep poured in the milk to add to the black coffee, then I paused and trotted into my bed room to get my Iphone and went to collect my mail from downstairs.

When I got back upstairs to my apartment and unlocked the door , there was a smell that hit me , it reminded me of my holiday and The Tenerife Sea. I rushed in the door and threw the bills onto the counter and sat on my One kitchen stool . I reached for my Ed mug and took a sip , ohh the taste was great even though it was Cold Coffee.

I now turned to my magazine to see All of the Stars on the cover .then I saw Ed and imagined us getting married, I Don't want to ever forget that memory, I said to myself but I'm pretty sure I was Thinking Out Loud as my cat, Nina meowed at me . My head was now banging and my Bloodstream ran cold, I'm pretty sure I got Drunk yesterday.

I look around to find evidence but all I found was a half broken Lego House where The Man was stuck in The City. No evidence was visible , I'm pretty sure U.N.I was not written on my wall before .Then I saw it , the Photograph of me kissing some hot ass ginger guy and I was astonished I thought to myself I'm A Mess right now .

I glanced into the mirror to see I had no Shirtsleeves on my A-Team jersey and there was a note stuck on my mirror which read :
I'm sorry I had to Runaway I hope you carry on to Sing , your really good , you will Make It Rain with the money you make when you become famous , this is our Afire Love and I loved singing Give Me Love to get you to fall asleep.
P.S: I know your in Grade 8 but I See Fire when I look into your eyes .
From : A guy who will Take it Back with regret xx

Then I saw a Small Bump in my carpet , so I dug underneath it to find a purple love heart that said ' Kiss Me ' on it .
I thought to myself This cannot of seriously happened. That's when there was a knock at the door , with no hesitation I went and opened the door but to my astonishment the he was ... Ed Sheeran. He smiled at me and said "You Need Me " , I just smiled and showed him into my overcrowded house and said " next time Wake Me Up before you go " and he smiled and that's when he asked me .... " will you be My Little Bird ?" . In response I said yes .

The ed I hope you liked my short story 😛 it was fun and the person who's view its in is actually my bestie ( who is number 1 Ed Sheeran fan ) characteristics ( brunette hair , emerald eyes ) 😃 Have A nice Day 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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