Journey begin's

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“Don’t be afraid “ I heard a voice from my
backside .
Iam Sampath Krishna …..friends call me SK.
At this point ,my heart is beating very
rapidly,guessing around maybe more than 120
Iam standing on terrace of my apartment on the
support wall decided to jump from it to die
simply known a
Before coming here ,I went to bar not to drink
But to bring any drunken member to support for
my suicide program as planned
But now iam thinking it’s an a bad idea bcoz if I
didn,t jump from the building he is ready to push me

I given him 2600 rupees which is remaining in
my purse to encourage me if I quit to do suicide
Iam wondering if I die ,which is going to happen
in few seconds ….who will take care of my dead
I have no friends, no family ,no relatives ,no girl
May be the government will take care of my
body like an orphan body .
I think no one in earth will notice my death in
world except that street dog back side of my
apartment which is daily chasing me in nights
when I go outside
May be police will start investigation whether
it’s suicide or murder
Why will the do it? Iam not a celebrity or a rich
person or atleast a tiktok star…
You all wondering why iam committing suicide I
have many reasons .of course all the members
who committed suicide will have many reasons
but not all the members have valid reasons
I don’t know that I have a valid reason or not
,but I don’t a valid reason to live that’s why iam
committing suicide
Before a month iam not an orphan and I have a
best friend Ravi and a girl to love ofcourse she
doesn’t love me back
But the problem is I loved a girl before knowing
that she and ravi are lovers and her name is
You all thinking how this happened .
Ravi did MS cource in pune while iam in
Vijayawada I seen her in PVP mall which by the
way she is doing a MD in Vijayawada Siddhartha
college .
The moment when I seen her I forgot the all the
world I just stood there seeing her thinking her
as my future wife but within seconds she
disappeared .
I couldn’t stop thinking about her.
By the way I forgot to mention that ravi ,shruthi
and me are doctors

Me and ravi are friends from childhood and ravi
,shruthi are same medical college and that’s
where they loved each other.
I realized it after ravi came from pune and
introduced her to me as his lover
At that point where I felt like my heart beat is
stopping but luckily it didn’t
Ravi and I didn’t met or spoken for almost 3 yrs
While doing medicine, they changed their
So the gap between us has started……
Later I realized I have to stop thinking about her
after realizing that she is lover of my best friend
but I can’t stop it
So I did a wrong kind of work which will disturb
ravi and shruthi which I am not telling to save
my reputation and now they are so far from me
I think they will not receive the information of my
death also….
They both did PG after medicine but I didn’t
bcoz I have no interest I doing medicine ….i did
it bcoz in my childhood when my father died his
last words are that “son, you should study medicine and make your father name
proud”……….and he died
I am a emotional fellow ,so I did my medicine for
my father thinking it was his last wish
My mother died 20 days back due to liver failure
I tried so hard to save her but i failed ………
After medicine …I thought it’s time to follow my
dream to become an IAS officer
I tried for three years and 2 times I didn’t get
selected and today results are out and once
again I didn’t get selected
I am thinking that at any level life gives me any
chance but later I reailse there are no chances
for me in this life
Now, iam ready to jump but my hands are
shivering all the body is covered by sweat , my
legs are shaking and due to standing for long
time my legs are paining
I am thinking may be I should take some rest
and after that I can do it
I turned back then I seen the drunken stranger
diagnolly from me near supporting wall
He Is healily drinken the whiskey may be I
should leave him in his house and I have do it
Suddenly I heard a sound ‘thud’………..
The drunken stranger fell from the building and I
got imbalance and Guess what ……now iam in
air falling from top of the apartment and thinking

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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