Chapter 1

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  My bed always felt like a safe place. Somewhere quiet and comforting, somewhere I could always go to, to relax and think, but tonight when I got in bed the normal quietness was replaced with low sobs of a girl crying right out my window. I listened for the crying to stop but it never did. After listening for several minutes, I got out of bed to see who the sounds were coming from. I quietly opened my window and looked down to see a girl crying on my roof not just any girl but...
   She slowly lifted her head to the sound of her name. Tears and makeup covered her Rosy cheeks; her eyes were red and swollen from crying, and the veins in her forehead were slightly popping out like she's been screaming or running; her hair was soaking wet dripping with water and her arms were draped over herself as if trying not to let the warmth out. she slowly stood and wipe the water off her face realizing she had been heard. she covered her eyes again and slowly inched her way towards me stopping every so often to regain her balance on the rain-soaked roof. Once she reached my window I put my hands out towards her to help her get through; I wrap her in my arms tightly until she's inside. Setting  her weightless body on my bed I quickly turn back to shut the window, then sit down next the where I set her. She immediately wraps her arms around me digging her fingers into my back making me flinch slightly, as her Sobs got louder and heavier I hear her say through breaths, "I can't leave you cole, please don't let them do this to me!" When I realized she's talking to me I pull her back enough to see her red puffy eyes slowly traveling up my body to meet mine, when they do I ask,
"what's wrong bec, why are you crying?" She tries to answer my question but can't, I hold her closer and and gently rub my finger in a circle on her arm to let her know it's okay.
  Once her sobs become slow husky whimpers she tries to talk again.
"It's... It's my parents." She starts to cry more before she regains enough controls to finish.
" They're ... They're making me move!" She looks up to see my reaction, but all I can say is,
"Move? Where?" She takes her time to answer my question making it more painful for me. After what seems like hours of waiting she clears her throat to answer my question.
"New York." My eyes grow wide, " New York?!?"
"Yeah" She whispers, "My dad got offered a new job." She looks up at me with her sad eyes, begging me to help her, but I don't know how. Breaking the silence she asks
"Cole? How am I supposed to leave? I can't leave you!" I don't have an answer so I just cradle her in my arms as we fall back onto my bed. I wrap my blanket around her, pulling her body into mine. I entangle her fingers with mine, gently stroking her with my thumb. Her breathing turns to silenced whimpers and I can tell she's falling asleep. I stare at her moonlit face for a long time, listening to every breath she takes, trying to make our heartbeats match. My eyelids getting heavier, the last thing I see before my eyes begin to close is the face I thought would always be here next to me.

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