DAY 17

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taeyong almost fall into the ground of the hallway, the nurses wants to help him get up but knowing his situation they made a decision by ignoring him.

he went inside the room and found tern now is wiping ten's hand.

"you are strong" the omega stated, he doesn't know what say to the alpha to calm her pheromones that is lingering in the room.

"i used to make him ate mud when we were a kid, though im younger but i am an alpha so i acted more superior than him" she said. still wiping ten's arm

"he is so weak, he grew up getting bullied because he was an omega"

"i promise d to myself that i will always by his side because he can't protect himself.." she chuckle, taeyong saw her quickly wiping her tears.. the sad pheromones getting stronger

"i....i shouldn't have gave him to someone...this is all my fault" she stopped wiping the omega and started to cry louder.

"its not your fault"

"and its not ten's either"

"i know"

calming the alpha is not easy but taeyong still made it. he's now sitting infront of tern that is wiping her tears

"do you know that tomorrow will be his last?"

the alpha nodded, she knows that his brother getting put to sleep forever. she wants to object but she doesn't want ten to suffer anymore

this alpha-omega thing sucks.

"i want you to be prepared, your mom... she needs you"

"today we are here to pay respect on our omega, mr. leechaiyapornkul"

all of the doctors bowed on ten's mom, she held her son's hand and gently caress

"maam, may i?" dr. jung sungchan asked, asking the mother to give way for them.

tern held her mom from the arm and went backwards behind haechan whose crying in the corner as the nurses and doctors circled the lying omega

"Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, 26, A male omega..." jung sungchan started talking

"suffered from an unbearable pain for 16 days, will be free" the doctor eyed mark, the male nurse had a mask on but you can see on his eyes he doesn't want it...

mark then turn his gaze on the life support, he nodded at doctor telling everything is ready

as the doctor received an answer he then make way for the mom

"we will give you a chance to talk to your son"

"c'mon ten!"

ten found himself at the empty beach, with a bucket full of shells and sand. the sun is almost setting

why is he here?


"huh?" someone shouted his name from behind, he turn his gaze and saw johnny with a bunch of seashells.

"why are we here?" he asked as johnny come near him, the alpha smiles and put the bucket beside him and pat ten's head

"didn't you wished for this?"

"a wish? i don't remember asking you---"

"you want peace right?"

ten stared at johnny whose watching the sunset, his eyes wide open when he remembers something

isn't johnny not his alpha anymore?

"i maybe not the johnny you loved but i can assure you a lifetime" he said putting both his hands on his pocket not even turning his gaze on the omega.

the omega felt something on his chest that made his tears falls through the sand..heavy

he isn't the alpha he used to love... but he's still johnny, a person who made his dream felt like spring over summer.

"i...i don't know" the omega almost choke on his own saliva, making the alpha chuckle as he stood infront of him

"if i ask you to come with me, are you going to accept it?" the alpha ask he then held the omega's hand.

"i...i..." he can't answer, though he wants it..he wanted to but what about his mom? tern? they didn't want him to leave

the alpha sigh, but later then smile

"i will walk away, its your choice if you're going to come with me...but ten.... I'll wait for you" he kissed the omega's hand before walking away.

he wanted john to comeback but he can't come with him either.. watching him walk away for the second time hurts more..

"my baby, its me mama"

ten wiped his tears and look around, its him mom's voice! he can't see but he's sure its his mom

"mama is okay now, hm? its okay... its okay.."

"mama" he bursted out crying.. is his mom finally letting him go?

"i'm so sorry i didn't protect poor baby..."

"its okay... son, we're okay"

"YOUNGHO!" johnny stopped walking, turn around and saw ten running towards him.

ten is happy as he jumped to hug the alpha

"am i late?" the omega asked while sniffing his neck, johnny just laugh and place his chin on the omega's head

"no..just in time"

"welcome home, love"

"i'm finally home"

the doctors doesn't even have to take down the life support when ten's body already gave up..

"time of death, 05:11"

[JOHNTEN] remaining days of a rejected omegaWhere stories live. Discover now