Chapter 50

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Dorothea had unintentionally let out a gasp, that familiar deep and wicked voice was so close to her

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Dorothea had unintentionally let out a gasp, that familiar deep and wicked voice was so close to her. Swiftly turning around she was greeted by the man she had thought she lost all his respect and adoration for. Aro gave his famous wickedly smirk as he slowly walks up to her with the black and red coat grazing the floor behind him, black hair slick back looking all clean.

"Aro, you came." / "That's true my dear."

Dorothea had let a soft giggle watching as the door opened, an enchanted forest theme wedding just as Alice had said. Jasper stood at the end of the aisle in shock at seeing a beautiful bride and the head Volturi next to her.

She notices how Cullen was arguing with Carlisle for not being where he was supposed before astonishment appears on their face when Aro leads the walk, closer to Jasper. Many vampires that were invited were gasping or whispering about Dorothea and Aro's relationship seeing her happy smile and Aro's pride in his eyes for the bride.

"I know you won't forgive me, though I'm truly grateful for you sending me off instead of Carlisle, Aro." / "It took a lot of persuading for Carlisle to leave his post. I see your new family truly cares for you."

"But I won't forget who welcomed me sincerely at first. You are the first person I look up to and I still do, Aro."

They had reached the end of the aisle where Jasper had walked closer to help Dorothea, he had given Aro a bow of respect. Aro did the same to him before looking into Dorothea's eyes, he knows the vampire had grown up not physically but mentally, and hearing her say those words made him feel proud that he was the reason this beautiful vampire is alive and still looks up to him.

Bringing Dorothea's hand to his lip before giving her off to Jasper. "Take care of her or you got the whole Volturi on your back."

(ɔ︡ᵔ ▿ᵔ︠)ɔ

The wedding had gone on without any trouble and the priest said, "You may now kiss the bride

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The wedding had gone on without any trouble and the priest said, "You may now kiss the bride." Jasper and Dorothea shared their first kiss as husband and wife, both looking back at the audience and seeing Esme at the brick of tears as Carlisle had a splendid smile.

Emmet let out a crying sound so loudly while Rose pats his back with an annoyed look. Dean and Alice construct wolf whistles as they cheer for them while Edward and Bella were the only ones normal as they beam and clap for them.

Jasper saw the invited Volturi members at the corner almost covered by the shadow as they gave him a small grin, Dorothea spots their cousin, the Denalis, not far from her family cheering but Irina had a gloomy look.

The after-party was a blast as the smell of blood reeked the whole room, not humans but animals. Jasper and Dorothea had to separate to thank their guest and friends.

Currently, Dorothea was standing with the Volturi while Jasper was with his long-lost friend Peter and Charlotte. "Thank you for coming, so, so much." Caius had quick turn his side when Dorothea was going to jump at him for a hug, disappointed but happy when it was Alec who had caught her, making them share a hug.

"It's been so long since I been to a wedding party. I know remembered how lively it is." Marcus spoke up while scanning the wedding hall. Jane had a clear feature of how much she resented being there but her eyes never fell off Dorothea's wedding dress, seeing this, Dorothea had given the girl a chance to touch her dress but Jane had role her eyes before focusing on something else but the attire. "Oh, I remember the last time I went to a wedding party. It was yours also, my dear."

"Indeed, it was." / "Oh, what was that vicious man's name was.." Aro had a thinking action as he tries to remember Dorothea's first husband's name, the Cullen who was not remote heard all this, eavesdropping due to desiring to know more about Dorothea's past.

"Micheal Hart." It wasn't Dorothea who had answered but Jasper, the man was pacing his way closer to his wife when he overheard the conversation, when pronouncing the man's name, it was clear in his tone how disgusted he was.

Dorothea let out a giggle before giving Jasper a soft peck on the cheek with the man's hand around her hip. Aro too had a chuckle seeing Jasper's hatred for the dead man, very pleased with Dorothea's choice of a husband. "Well, we can't stay long. Work is hectic."

Dorothea had to whine a little but nod in understanding. Giving them each a hug but Caius and Jane avoided her by walking off first.

Carlisle had spoken up when the Volturi had left the new-weds, "The Denali would wish you a happy marriage now. They also would be leaving soon." Carlisle had to lead them off to their cousin who stays outside, once seeing them Dorothea quickly brought them into an embrace especially longer on Irina.

"Oh, look at you! Breath-taking really!" Jasper and Dorothea laughed at Tanya's words. They had a simple and short talk since Irina didn't wish to stay longer after the loss of her mate, seeing Bella and Edward would only grow her anger. Understanding the problem, Jasper and Dorothea wished them well and thanked them for coming.

"Can we have your time now?"

"Who the hell invited them here!"

"I did."

The Uley pack had finally arrived at the wedding, just Sam, Paul, and Jacob.

Dorothea had answered Emmet's question entirely happy as she had rushed off the wolves with a huge smile on, since Jocab was the closest to her, he was hauled into a squeeze. Jacob didn't shove her away like Jane and Caius did but he had an annoyed look while looking at Paul for an assistant.

When Paul was next to get a hug, he frankly accepted it while whirling her around with laughter, Dorothea didn't hug Sam when her foot was put on the ground since they didn't have a great relationship like she had with Paul and Jacob.

Jasper and Carlisle had told their family and Bella to go back inside the house leaving Dorothea to have her time with the Quileute tribe. "Since when were they close? I thought vampires and werewolves hate each other." Bella had voiced out her question as it was shocking for her to see Paul hugging her like that, the question was aimed at Jasper since he was the only vampire who knew Dorothea better.

Esme had responded for Jasper since his friends had a call out for him, "The Cullen and the tribe don't get along but Dorothea was able to earn Billy Black's heart which leads to her being close with the tribe."

"But not all, there are some wolves out there who hate her for still drinking human blood. Hench Mister Sam Uley there." Dean had to continue the story when Esme was too called by another vampire.

"Paul and Thea had a great relationship before he joined the pack, you can tell just how close they are," Edward said while pointing to the 2 outside, Paul was holding one of Dorothea's hands up high and shooting her with many complements as the vampire giggle and laugh while she did a small spin for them.

Jacob had a secretive smile at the vampire while Sam did too as hatred gradually grew out of his eyes.

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