A Tourist, Lost

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I walked away from Ryder, Caroline and the other cheerleaders and football players after waving goodbye to them. I walked over to Cole's car and got in.

I already changed into a turquoise dress after today's practice so Cole and I could attend our mother and stepfather, Wallace's wedding dinner. If you're wondering why is the dinner this early, well, it's not.

Cole and I are going to go get some ice-cream before we go to the dinner because it's a Thursday. There was this one time during last year when Cole was still in high school, we went to the ice-cream shop, Baskin Robbins in town and this whole thing started. Including the day that changed me a little.


"Come on, Cole. You're not gonna spend time with me but with Ryder?" I pouted.

He rolled his eyes. "I bet the ice-cream shop is closed though."

"I doubt it. Don't you remember we went there last time at 9pm and it wasn't even closed? It's only six!" I nearly shouted at the end.

Cole shook his head at me but continued, "Okay, fine. If... If... It is closed, you must agree to go on a date with Ryder."

"That's unfair! I don't like him that way!"

"Well, I'm going to Ryder's then. Bye!" He started to walk towards the door of our mansion.

"Okay, okay. But if it's not closed, you must promise me to bring me out for ice-cream every..." I started to think. "Thursday!"

He turned around and said, "That's fine with me."

I took out my hand for him to shake to make it a deal. He took it without hesitation.


When we were driving, Cole asked me what flavoured ice cream I would like if the shop was opened.

"Going for Brownies with Cream again?"

"No! I'm gonna get Oreo Cookies and Cream today!" I said like I was still a little kid.

Cole shook his head. "I don't get what's so special about ice-cream though."

"Well, first of all, it's dad's favourite desert, and if I eat more ice cream, dad would probably stay, you know?" I said, knowing it would never help either.

"We both know he's a douchebag."

"But he hasn't made a decision yet. Hopefully he goes for mum."

Cole shook his head and whispered really softly, "I doubt it" but I heard him say it.

We talked about the football match that will be held in our school during the car ride to Baskin Robbins.

"Did you prepare a cheer yet?"

"Yeps! I spent almost my whole weekend making that cheer in the studio."

We have a studio at the basement of our mansion for me to make my cheers and sometimes Cole and I would dance some hip hop down there.

"You hardly even do anything during the weekends."

"Well, I don't really li-" I was cut off my Cole when he suddenly shouted.

"It's closed! It's closed!"

I turned my attention to Baskin Robbins and he was right, it was already closed. It means I got to go on a date with Ryder? Just when I was about to tell him I'm not gonna go on a date with Ryder, his phone rang. I turned to look at it and it was mum. I stared as he talked with her.

"What?!" Cole shouted.

"I knew he's a douchebag. Taylor Swift's I Knew You Were Trouble song is dedicated to him, obviously."

I felt myself tear up about the idea of not seeing dad ever again but still I laughed a bit at Cole's statement.

"Not anymore. He's not mine now, and also not Carmen's. That is it."

Anger obviously boiled up inside him.

"Well, we're gonna head back home now then. How bout you?"

He looked extremely angry but he managed to not let his voice crack. I took a glance at his hand and it was balled up in a fist.

"Okay mum. Stay safe."

As soon as he hung up, he punched the car horn hardly but not hard enough to break it. Hard enough to break me though.  

It hurts to see him like this and it hurts more to know my father actually joined our family just so he could get his long lost crush back, my aunt. She's officially the worst aunt ever.

I felt Cole wipe my cheeks. I touched my cheeks and realized I was crying this whole time.

"It's okay. Our dad's an asshole. Even one that is more assholey than me. I know it's not a word but I don't care now."

I nodded at him. What will happen with us without our dad? Will he want to still talk to me after all this? I know I should be mad at him, but I just couldn't.

"You know what? Since dad picked that slutty aunt instead of our mum, you don't have to go on a date with Ryder, and I'll bring you here for ice-cream every Thursday, just like how the bet is."

I smiled just a little. Even though I know dad's gonna be picking Aunt Laura before this, I still cried really hard in my bedroom after pretending like I don't care in front of my mom.


Ever since dad left, my mum hasn't had a job until one of her friends helped her apply for a job as a fashion designer since my mum has always been very fashionable and creative with clothings.

After her first fashion line, she made quite a lot of money and now, we live in a mansion. Mum met Wallace at the Rosewell Park near our mansion last 6 months ago. I trust Wallace to let him marry my mother.


When our car reached the garden in the mansion, Linda, our very loyal maid, came out of the doors. She welcomed us in and I said hello to her and also Logan, our butler.

Cole went into the bathroom while mum went to the living room where she usually sits and design her clothes at.

"Was the dinner nice, Carmen?"

Logan said emphasizing my name since I told him not to call me "Miss". We're practically buddies! There's no need for formalities around here.

"It was awesome!" I started to dance around like an idiot. Logan laughed at me.

"You can dance so much better, miss. I mean Carmen."

I winked at him and he laughed again, but this time, Linda joined him.

"Cole, Carmen, come into the living room!" My mom shouted.

Cole walked out of the bathroom and both of us walked over to the living room. Once we reached, we saw a big smile plastered on our mum's face.

"Tomorrow, we're going to London!"


So? You guys like it? I like how it's a popular but kind girl being the main character. So... There might not be much drama in Carmen's school :)

For those who are reading LWBL, I will update soon because I'm currently not at home for 8 days, so, be patient :) But... I don't even see any votes coming in, so I might not update until I get more votes :)

Now........... Vote and Comment on this story if you think it deserves it! :D

xx C. Alexsandra

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