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Kenma couldn't describe something better then spending an evening playing video games whilst in his best friends arms.
It was something that happened often;Probably too often for best friends.
Best friends...
It was definitely a strange concept. Imagine trusting somebody so much. Imagine being willing to do absolutely anything to see your best friend happy, to see them do well. Even a small smile was enough to cheer you up for an entire day. Best friends... this concept was one of the oddest things ever to kenma.
He loved that kuroo was his best friend. His. Yet 'best friends' was not a term kenma would ever use. It was one Kuroo used on the daily. Not kenma though. He much preferred soulmates.

Soulmates didn't have to be romantic soulmates~~ this was something kenma had to tell himself daily,just like kuroo had to remind himself of their 'friendship' daily.
Today was one of the days kenma enjoyed most: lying with kuroo,playing his game, listening to the background noise of the movie tetsuro was watching. He couldn't think of anything better. Nothing could be better then this.
Practice had been quite exhausting today,even for kuroo today had been a lot. They played a practice match with karusuno, kenma enjoyed seeing his friend. It was a very odd friendship, you'd expect hinita to annoy kenma. Considering kenma got annoyed at lev so easily,and the fact hinita was more excitable and annoying then lev. The ginger didn't annoy kenma in the slightest though;yeah he was loud and always jumping about,but Kenma didn't mind. Not at all. Atleast he thought he didn't mind,he thought he was okay with hinita being like this. Not today. Today he got annoyed at the boy.
~~~~~~~flashback to the game~~~~~~~
They had just finished the game. Sweat dripped from all of them, the towels being completely useless and abandoned. Karusuno won,obviously. They had hinita and kageyama's stupidly fast quick. Despite having played them a million times,nekoma still wasn't used to this. Kenma was annoyed that they had lost, the whole team was. Who wouldn't be. No one lost a game and felt joy because of it. No one sane anyway.
Everyone on the team was exhausted,they had played for hours with only a few very short water breaks. They wanted to actually beat karusuno for once,so they tried really hard, exhausting themselves. Of course their efforts were useless, they couldn't beat the stupid first years. Of course they couldn't. They weren't special;they were just good enough at the game.
Kenma couldn't deal with hinita's happiness and excitement,all he wanted to do was go home and fall asleep in his soulmates arms. That obviously wasn't going to happen,not with the shorty constantly trying to talk to Kenma despite Kenma's many efforts to stop this.
"Kenma?" Hinita whined for what seemed the 100th time.
"What?" Kenma snapped. He was sick of this. He just wanted to go home, why couldn't shrimpy see this.
"Jeez,jeez. You don't have to be like that." Hinita pouted.
"Well then? What do you want?"
"Why are you mad at me?"
Kenma couldn't even bring himself to answer. Why was he mad at hinita? There wasn't really a reason. He just wanted to go home and currently the only thing preventing this was hinita.
"Don't ignore me again,Kenma! You've done that enough already!" Hinita screamed. Now he was mad,great. The idiot was being too loud. Way too loud.
"Shut up! You're being too loud." Kenma shouted back.
No where near hinita's volume though. He couldn't do that no matter how hard he tried. His voice could never be that loud.
"You're being so rude to me today kenma! First you ignore me for ages,then you tell me to shut up. I didn't do anything. If this is about us beating you again,then you don't need to be such a sore loser. It isn't my fault.that's just how the game played out!" Screaming again, hinita seemed to be very good at this. Kenma's ears were ringing at this point. They were relatively close to each other,and the shorter was screaming.
A harsh,clean slap could be heard throughout the gym. Hinita raised a hand to his now stinging cheek, trying to realise what just happened. Did kenma just slap him? Did that actually just happen?
"Y-you slapped me?!" The ginger boy cried out.
"I-I s-so-" before he could even apologise Suga was standing behind him with Daichi.
"You should leave,the games over." Daichi interrupted.
No,they didn't understand. He hadn't meant to hit him. He really didn't mean to. He was just thinking about it. Hinita called him a sore loser. Maybe he was. Maybe this incident was just proof of this.
Strong,big hands were now on Kenma's shoulders leading him out of the gym. The rest of the nekoma members seemed to be following,not that kenma cared in the slightest. Not only was Kenma desperate to go home,he was now about to cry. The team couldn't see him cry. No. He wouldn't allow it.
"Get off me." Kenma growled,talking to kuroo's hands on his shoulders.
"Kuro, get your hands off me now. I'm going home. You aren't coming today."
"You sure you don't want me to walk you,Kenma? It's getting dark and you're pretty upset."
"I said you weren't coming!" Kenma snapped again.
"Okay. Well text me if you need anything. I'll be there in a second. "
Even though they lived next door to each other,kuroo knew Kenma wasn't going to walk that way. Kenma was going to walk the long way,go past the river. Just like he did every single time he was upset. There was no reason for this. Kenma just liked the quiet,with the slight noise of wind. It was calming. Gave him a chance to think.
Being the stubborn idiot Kenma was, he walked the long way by himself and didn't text kuroo. Not even when he got home. No matter how upset Kenma was,he always texted kuroo to say he got home safe if they weren't walking together.  He needed kuroo right now.
The boy instantly collapsed into his bed the second he walked close enough to it. Letting his small body lay limp on the massive bed.  Compared to him this bed was like an ocean next to a lake.
It had a lot of room for him and kuroo to cuddle on. That was always a good thing. He could really do with being in kuroo's arms right about now.  His pride wasn't going to let him message kuroo though. No way.
He'd just wait for kuroo to message,just like he always did.

A good hour had gone by since Kenma had gotten home, probably about 2 hours since he had last seen kuroo. Why hadn't kuroo messages? He would normally have messaged after an hour of not speaking,kuroo was needy and Kenma adored that.
Did kuroo hate him now? After seeing Kenma slap hinita,was he disgusted? Did he want nothing to do with Kenma anymore.  Had Kenma messed everything up?
The boy was pulled out of his head when his phone buzzed.



You okay?

I'm fine

No you're not

Yes I am

Can I come over?


Can I call you


This was a pretty normal conversation for the pair. Kenma would act all cold but in reality he just wanted to lay in kuroo's arms and sob.

"You already said that idiot"
'That was over text though, doesn't count~'
"Tch whatever"
'What're you doing?~'
'Laying in bed?'
'Why can't I come over?'
"I'm busy"
'You literally just said that you aren't doing anything'
"Fine come over then. I don't care"
'Wait Kenma. Are you crying?' Kuroo could hear slight sniffles through the phone.
"No! Shut the fuck up" he was. Not entirely aware when,but tears had been streaming down the boys face for a little while now. They seemed to start around the time he thought kuroo might be disgusted with him.
"Oi asshole? Where are you"
Kuroo had hung up. He was too busy getting his jacket on and grabbing some cookies to have a conversation.
Kuroo felt the pudding haired boy shift in his lap for what seemed like the millionth time. 
"Why are you so fidgety today Kenma? You're normally like the laziest person alive and don't move unless you literally have to." Kuroo cackled whilst insulting his best friend, earning him a light punch.
"Shut up. I don't know why. Just can't get comfy. You aren't as comfy as usual,today,Kuro." Kenma pouted ever so slightly.
But of course kuroo noticed.
"Awe look at you pouting!" He teased. Kuroo gently grasped Kenma's face so he could get a better look at the pout on his best friends perfect lips. This action,that kuroo deemed innocent, caused a dark blush to spread across Kenma's face. They were really close now. Kuroo was just staring at Kenma's lips,not quite realising what he was doing....

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