particles pt. 2!

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i teach u about particles, swag

long chapter, so here we go

わ does not have any particle form

ら does not have any particle form

や does not have any particle form

ま does not have any particle form

な does not have any particle form

あ does not have any particle form

を does not have any particle form

り does not have any particle form

み does not have any particle form

に does not have any particle form

る does not have any particle form

ゆ does not have any particle form

む does not have any particle form

ぬ does not have any particle form

れ does not have any particle form

め does not have any particle form

ね does not have any particle form

ろ does not have any particle form

よ does not have any particle form

も does not have any particle form

の does not have any particle form

ば = ba, ぱ = pa

だ = da

ざ = za

が = ga

び = bi, ぴ = pi

ぢ = zhi / zi (i don't really see it being used too much)

じ = ji

ぎ = gi

ぶ = bu, ぷ = pu

づ = zu

ず = zu

ぐ = gu

べ = be, ぺ = pe

で = de

ぜ = ze

げ = ge

ぼ = bo, ぽ = po

ど = do

ぞ = zo

ご = go

and that's all the particles :)

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