Chapter 1 - Ryder and the TARDIS

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I was walking home from my friend's house, when at the corner of my eye I spot this blue police box on the corner of the road that was not there before. I couldn't resist, I went up to the box and opened the door, I couldn't believe my eyes it was bigger on the inside "how... unusual" I said as if I've seen it all before but it was still amazing. Then I heard a noise coming from outside, I looked out, there was the boys who bullied me when I was in school. The boys noticed me and came running at me, I hid in the police box with the doors locked.

I was trapped in the box but it's better than getting beaten up by the bullies. The boys started banging on the doors but they couldn't open them or break them, then the banging stopped. "You're still a coward! We'll find you again Ryder!" one of the boys yelled and then they walked away.

I waited a couple of minutes, then I got up and went to open the door, that's when I heard two people approaching the box, I quickly found some place to hide. Then a man and a girl entered through the doors, they were laughing, as they headed down the small ramp to the console in the middle of this big room inside the box.

I watched them as the man with the chin pressed buttons and pulled levers, he had brown floppy hair, and he was wearing a purple tweed coat and bowtie. The girl had longish brown hair; she was wearing a red top with a dark brown leather jacket over top and a pair of black tights. All of a sudden the whole place started to shake, the 3 rings at the top of the console started to spin and it made a weird sound.

The shaking stopped but the rings were still spinning, the man with the bowtie leaned against the console and the girl sat on a chair, they started talking, I couldn't hear what they were talking about but it look as if it was funny. As I moved a bit a sudden pain in my chest made me winced in pain, "Ah!" I silently screamed grabbing my chest and clapped my other hand over my mouth hoping they wouldn't hear me.

"Did you hear that?" said the man with the Bowtie, "Yea Doctor, what was that?" asked the girl "I don't know" the so-called Doctor said. "I'll go check it out, the sound came from down here, I think" The girl said as she came towards where I was hiding. "Clara be careful," the Doctor said, "I know Doctor" Clara said. Now I knew their names Clara and The Doctor. I tried to move but I was in so much pain that I couldn't move an inch, Clara walked down the stairs, she looked around then bent down under the console floor. That's when she found me "Hey there, are you ok?" Clara said to me kindly "I d-don't k-know" I said with a shiver of fear and pain.

"Hey there's no need to be afraid of me, here take my hand" Clara said as she put out her hand and I took her hand, but as I was getting up the pain in my chest returned and I fell to me knees "Agh" I groaned "Are you ok?" Clara asked.

"No...agh" I said. Clara helped me up the stairs "Hey Doctor I found our mysterious noise" Clara said. He looked at me as I held onto Clara "How did you get on board and what is your name? If you don't mind me asking," he said.

"M-My name's Ryder, this machine caught my eye, so I went inside to have a look and to hide from the bullies that chased me, the door was unlocked I hope I didn't bother you guys" I said with a sad look. "The TARDIS door was locked but how did you..." the Doctor stopped mid-sentence.

"What?" I asked, "You must be something special, the TARDIS doesn't unlock herself for anyone, except me and Clara" the Doctor said. Clara placed me on a chair and I listened to the Doctor and Clara talk, I slowly found myself falling of the chair, but before I hit the ground two sets of arms grabbed me. "Hey are you ok?" the Doctor said worry in his voice, "I-I think so," I said, not knowing what was wrong with me. "Doctor she was in a lot of pain when I found her" Clara said worried as well. The Doctor and Clara helped me back up on the chair.

"She has pains in her chest, do you think we should check her heartbeat?" Clara asked the Doctor. He nods and reaches under the console and pulls out a stethoscope. "Here" he gave it to Clara. "I'm just going to check your heartbeat ok" Clara said, she checked my heart. First she checked the left side, there was a beat and then she checked the right side (I don't know why she did; the heart is on the left side).

She dropped the stethoscope; her face had a strange look "What is it?" I asked as I winched a bit. "Um... you have a faint heartbeat on the right side of your chest" Clara said, backing away. "What?! How is that possible?" the Doctor yelled in confusion. As the Doctor thought about what he had just heard, Clara just looking back between the Doctor and me. The pain returned but it was more painful "aaahhh!" I screamed in pain and lean forward in the chair.

Clara rushed to my aid "What is... happening... to me?" I said as I winced, "I really don't know, but we'll will find out" she said. As the pain was fading, I looked at my hands, they were glowing a yellowy goldy color. Then my whole body was glowing and burning. I stood up, the Doctor grabbed Clara and backed away from me, "But that's impossible" the Doctor said with a confused look.

"Doctor, is that what I think it is?" Clara said, scared. "Regeneration" the Doctor said, still confused, I put my hands out by my sides and my feet apart like a star. I looked up and whoosh!! My body felt like a tornado, energy releasing from my body. It felt as if I was dying but so alive.

After a couple of minutes it just stopped, I started to fall towards the ground two sets of arms caught me. "Ryder, Ryder can you hear me!" the Doctor's voice yelling at me but the yelling started to fade and I slowly blacked out...

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