Ring. Ring. Ring. You picked up the phone after the 5th ring and pressed it to your ear, only to hear your boyfriend coughing. “Babe?” he wheezed out. “Yeah?” you replied. “Can you come over? I think I’m coming up with a cold.” “Okay, be there in a few.” You both said your goodbyes before you hung up on him. You changed into comfortable clothing, grabbed your keys and phone. Then, you drove off to Harry’s flat. The door was unlocked, so you let yourself in. You heard terrible coughing in the direction to Harry’s bedroom. You walked the steps then you stop at whats in front of you. Harry. Harry surrounded by used tissues all around him. “Hey babe.” you said, walking over to his bedside. “Hey hun.” he coughed out. “Well, don’t you look nice.” you stifled a giggle. He glares at you for a second before he has a sneezing fit. “Sorry babe. How you feeling?” you said, concerned. “Obviously, I’ve been better.” he lightly chuckled. You sat by his bedside and reach for his forehead. It was burning up. “Watch something on the telly, I’ll go get some medicine for you.” you gave the remote to him and pecked him on the forehead and left. You went to the store, grabbed the medicine that listed his symptoms, paid, and rushed to his flat. You find Harry asleep with the remote in his hands. Feeling knackered, you snuggle in next to him. He brings you closer,having you feel his body heat. The next day, Harry’s cold was passed on to you.
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