Episode 1 - Part 1

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"The world,

What a glorious place!

Seek freedom, and it will lie stretched out before your eyes...

Seize it!

Raise your flag, and stand tall."

These are the words that forever rang true in Blue's head, haunting and guiding him in everything he did.

They ran through his head with every swing of the sword he gripped in his hands, as the morning sunlight spilled out over the ocean, dancing and gleaming on the gentle waves with inspiring brightness.

The horizon was filled with an exquisite orange that coated everything it touched in the morning's warmth.

As the waves crashed against the rocks far below and a gentle breeze brushed the trees, bringing with it the salty ocean air, Blue took a deep breath and stopped to recover.

However, at that moment, thundering footsteps could be heard from somewhere. As Blue turned to face the noise, he noticed a small black lump in the distance.
Then a medium-sized black lump.
Then a big black lump.
Then he realised that it was just his best friend Shadow, barreling toward him at a high speed.

"Shadow?" Blue asked, surprised,

"Yeah, it's me... Listen, I was just at the harbour and I noticed some huge-ass ships in the distance." Shadow explained, through heavy breaths,

"And why does it matter?" questioned Blue,

"Because," Shadow started, "They look like trading ships!"

"Trading ships?" Blue exclaimed, "Then what the hell are we waiting for? Let's go!" He shot past Shadow, who followed suit, as he dashed to the docks. The bright orange of the sun quickly turned to a brilliant white, as it rose over the horizon to watch the world.

When the two friends eventually made it to the dock, Shadow had taken the lead as Blue lacked any sense of direction, and as they stopped to catch a breath Blue looked up with wonder to see the huge ships closing in on the docks.

"Wow..." He gasped, "There must be SO much cool stuff on those things!" But Shadow, who had a more... Mature mindset, made it known that they needed more food. "Why would we need more food?" Blue inquired,

"Because you ate it all!" Shadow yelled angrily," Do you honestly not remember?" Blue shook his head as Shadow's face became deeply buried in his palm, as he let out a tired sigh." Let's just get on the ship, then get off and go home."

"Aww," Blue whined," but it's fun on there!"

"Stop whining, you're not a kid anymore." Shadow said without turning,

"But it is... They've got so much cool stuff!"

"Maybe, but we can't afford that fancy crap. We're only here to get food." Shadow stated, as Blue let out an audible sigh of annoyance,

"Fine. But you do the boring shopping, I'm looking around." Blue said, as he jumped aboard the vessel,

"Time to search!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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